Canon 718 Magenta Cartucho de Toner Generico - Reemplaza 2660B002

HP CC533A/CE413A/CF383A Magenta Cartucho de Toner Generico - Reemplaza 304A/305A/312A

24,08 €
Impuestos incluidos
2300 Series, 2320 Series, 2320FXI MFP, 2320N MFP, 2320NF MFP, 2320CB MFP, 2320CBB MFP, 2320CI MFP, 2320EV MFP, 2320EB MFP, 2320EBB MFP, 2320EI MFP, 2320WB MFP, 2320WBB MFP, 2320WI MFP, 2323, 2720FXI MFP 2000 Series, 2020 Series, 2020, 2024, 2024 Series, 2024DN, 2024N, 2025, 2025 Series, 2025DN, 2025N, 2025X, 2026, 2026DN, 2026N, 2026 Series, 2027, 2027DN, 2027N, 2027 Series 300 color M351A, 300 color MFP M375NW, 400 color M451DN, 400 color M451DW, 400 color M451NW, 400 color MFP M475DN, 400 color MFP M475DW 400 color MFP M476dn, 400 color MFP M476dw, 400 color MFP M476nw
Recíbelo en 24 horas laborales

Capacidad2.800 Páginas
Compatible con

Canon-LBP-7200 - Canon-LBP-7200 Series - Canon-LBP-7200C - Canon-LBP-7200CDN - Canon-LBP-7200CN - Canon-LBP-7210CDN - Canon-LBP-7600 Series - Canon-LBP-7660CDN - Canon-LBP-7680CDN - Canon-LBP-7680CX - Canon-MF-724CDW - Canon-MF-726CDW - Canon-MF-728CDW - Canon-MF-729CDW - Canon-MF-729CX - Canon-MF-7200 Series - Canon-MF-8300 - Canon-MF-8330 - Canon-MF-8330CDN - Canon-MF-8340 - Canon-MF-8340CDN - Canon-MF-8350 - Canon-MF-8350CDN - Canon-MF-8360 - Canon-MF-8360CDN - Canon-MF-8380 - Canon-MF-8380CDW - Canon-MF-8500 Series - Canon-MF-8540CDN - Canon-MF-8550CD - Canon-MF-8550CDN - Canon-MF-8580CDW - HP-Color LaserJet CM-2300 Series - HP-Color LaserJet CM-2320 Series - HP-Color LaserJet CM-2320CBB MFP - HP-Color LaserJet CM-2320CB MFP - HP-Color LaserJet CM-2320CI MFP - HP-Color LaserJet CM-2320EBB MFP - HP-Color LaserJet CM-2320EB MFP - HP-Color LaserJet CM-2320EI MFP - HP-Color LaserJet CM-2320EV MFP - HP-Color LaserJet CM-2320FXI MFP - HP-Color LaserJet CM-2320NF MFP - HP-Color LaserJet CM-2320N MFP - HP-Color LaserJet CM-2320WBB MFP - HP-Color LaserJet CM-2320WB MFP - HP-Color LaserJet CM-2320WI MFP - HP-Color LaserJet CM-2323 - HP-Color LaserJet CM-2720FXI MFP - HP-Color LaserJet CP-2000 Series - HP-Color LaserJet CP-2020 - HP-Color LaserJet CP-2020 Series - HP-Color LaserJet CP-2024 - HP-Color LaserJet CP-2024 Series - HP-Color LaserJet CP-2024DN - HP-Color LaserJet CP-2024N - HP-Color LaserJet CP-2025 - HP-Color LaserJet CP-2025 Series - HP-Color LaserJet CP-2025DN - HP-Color LaserJet CP-2025N - HP-Color LaserJet CP-2025X - HP-Color LaserJet CP-2026 - HP-Color LaserJet CP-2026 Series - HP-Color LaserJet CP-2026DN - HP-Color LaserJet CP-2026N - HP-Color LaserJet CP-2027 - HP-Color LaserJet CP-2027 Series - HP-Color LaserJet CP-2027DN - HP-Color LaserJet CP-2027N - HP-LaserJet Pro-400 color MFP M476dn - HP-LaserJet Pro-400 color MFP M476dw - HP-LaserJet Pro-400 color MFP M476nw - HP-Laserjet Pro-300 color M351A - HP-Laserjet Pro-300 color MFP M375NW - HP-Laserjet Pro-400 color M451DN - HP-Laserjet Pro-400 color M451DW - HP-Laserjet Pro-400 color M451NW - HP-Laserjet Pro-400 color MFP M475DN - HP-Laserjet Pro-400 color MFP M475DW

Load Time1658 ms - You'd better run your shop on a toaster
Querying Time704 ms
Memory Peak Usage35.8 Mb
Included Files950 files - 10.07 Mb
PrestaShop Cache0.01 Mb
Global vars0.62 Mb
PrestaShop Version1.7.6.5
PHP Version7.3.33-24+0~20241224.123+debian12~1.gbp64cad4 (OK)
MySQL Version10.11.6-MariaDB-0+deb12u1 (OK)
Memory Limit1G
Max Execution Time1000s
Smarty Cacheenabled
Smarty Compilationauto
 TimeCumulated TimeMemory UsageMemory Peak Usage
config 37 ms 37 ms 3.31 Mb 3.31 Mb
__construct 0 ms 37 ms - Mb 3.31 Mb
init 51 ms 87 ms 3.55 Mb 7.03 Mb
checkAccess 0 ms 87 ms - Mb 7.03 Mb
setMedia 396 ms 483 ms 0.34 Mb 7.68 Mb
postProcess 0 ms 483 ms - Mb 7.68 Mb
initHeader - ms 483 ms - Mb 7.68 Mb
initContent 72 ms 555 ms 3.18 Mb 10.40 Mb
initFooter 0 ms 555 ms - Mb 10.40 Mb
display 1104 ms 1658 ms 25.04 Mb 35.75 Mb
Hook Time Memory Usage
0 hooks - ms - Mb
Module Time Memory Usage
0 modules - ms - Mb

Stopwatch SQL - 1095 queries

Query Time (ms) Rows Filesort Group By Location
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE p.*, product_shop.*, stock.out_of_stock, IFNULL(stock.quantity, 0) AS quantity, IFNULL(product_attribute_shop.id_product_attribute, 0) AS id_product_attribute,
product_attribute_shop.minimal_quantity AS product_attribute_minimal_quantity, pl.`description`, pl.`description_short`, pl.`available_now`,
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il.`legend` as legend, m.`name` AS manufacturer_name, cl.`name` AS category_default,
DATEDIFF(product_shop.`date_add`, DATE_SUB("2025-02-17 00:00:00",
INTERVAL 35 DAY)) > 0 AS new, product_shop.price AS orderprice
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LEFT JOIN `ps_product` p
ON p.`id_product` = cp.`id_product`
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ON (product_shop.id_product = p.id_product AND product_shop.id_shop = 1) LEFT JOIN `ps_product_attribute_shop` product_attribute_shop
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LEFT JOIN ps_stock_available stock
ON (stock.id_product = `p`.id_product AND stock.id_product_attribute = 0 AND stock.id_shop = 1  AND stock.id_shop_group = 0  )
LEFT JOIN `ps_category_lang` cl
ON (product_shop.`id_category_default` = cl.`id_category`
AND cl.`id_lang` = 1 AND cl.id_shop = 1 )
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_lang` pl
ON (p.`id_product` = pl.`id_product`
AND pl.`id_lang` = 1 AND pl.id_shop = 1 )
LEFT JOIN `ps_image_shop` image_shop
ON (image_shop.`id_product` = p.`id_product` AND image_shop.cover=1 AND image_shop.id_shop=1)
LEFT JOIN `ps_image_lang` il
ON (image_shop.`id_image` = il.`id_image`
AND il.`id_lang` = 1)
LEFT JOIN `ps_manufacturer` m
ON m.`id_manufacturer` = p.`id_manufacturer`
WHERE product_shop.`id_shop` = 1
AND cp.`id_category` = 890 AND product_shop.`active` = 1 AND product_shop.`visibility` IN ("both", "catalog") ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 17
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INNER JOIN ps_product_shop product_shop
ON (product_shop.id_product = p.id_product AND product_shop.id_shop = 1)
LEFT JOIN `ps_category_product` cp ON p.`id_product` = cp.`id_product`
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LEFT JOIN `ps_configuration_lang` cl ON (c.`id_configuration` = cl.`id_configuration`)
2 1210 /classes/Configuration.php:160
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE ag.`id_attribute_group`, ag.`is_color_group`, agl.`name` AS group_name, agl.`public_name` AS public_group_name,
a.`id_attribute`, al.`name` AS attribute_name, a.`color` AS attribute_color, product_attribute_shop.`id_product_attribute`,
IFNULL(stock.quantity, 0) as quantity, product_attribute_shop.`price`, product_attribute_shop.`ecotax`, product_attribute_shop.`weight`,
product_attribute_shop.`default_on`, pa.`reference`, product_attribute_shop.`unit_price_impact`,
product_attribute_shop.`minimal_quantity`, product_attribute_shop.`available_date`, ag.`group_type`
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INNER JOIN ps_product_attribute_shop product_attribute_shop
ON (product_attribute_shop.id_product_attribute = pa.id_product_attribute AND product_attribute_shop.id_shop = 1)
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ON (stock.id_product = `pa`.id_product AND stock.id_product_attribute = IFNULL(`pa`.id_product_attribute, 0) AND stock.id_shop = 1  AND stock.id_shop_group = 0  )
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ON (attribute_shop.id_attribute = a.id_attribute AND attribute_shop.id_shop = 1)
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AND al.`id_lang` = 1
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GROUP BY id_attribute_group, id_product_attribute
ORDER BY ag.`position` ASC, a.`position` ASC, agl.`name` ASC
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SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE name, value, pf.id_feature, f.position
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LEFT JOIN ps_feature_value_lang fvl ON (fvl.id_feature_value = pf.id_feature_value AND fvl.id_lang = 1)
LEFT JOIN ps_feature f ON (f.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = 1)
INNER JOIN ps_feature_shop feature_shop
ON (feature_shop.id_feature = f.id_feature AND feature_shop.id_shop = 1)
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INNER JOIN ps_category_shop category_shop
ON (category_shop.id_category = c.id_category AND category_shop.id_shop = 1)
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LEFT JOIN `ps_category_group` cg ON (cg.`id_category` = c.`id_category`)
WHERE `id_parent` = 890
AND `active` = 1
AND cg.`id_group` =1
GROUP BY c.`id_category`
ORDER BY `level_depth` ASC, category_shop.`position` ASC
1.6 80 Yes Yes /classes/Category.php:909
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INNER JOIN ps_module_shop module_shop
ON (module_shop.id_module = m.id_module AND module_shop.id_shop = 1 AND module_shop.enable_device & 1)
INNER JOIN `ps_module_shop` `ms` ON ms.`id_module` = m.`id_module`
INNER JOIN `ps_hook_module` `hm` ON hm.`id_module` = m.`id_module`
INNER JOIN `ps_hook` `h` ON hm.`id_hook` = h.`id_hook`
LEFT JOIN `ps_module_group` `mg` ON mg.`id_module` = m.`id_module`
WHERE (h.`name` != "paymentOptions") AND (hm.`id_shop` = 1) AND (mg.id_shop = 1 AND  mg.`id_group` IN (1))
GROUP BY hm.id_hook, hm.id_module
ORDER BY hm.`position`
1.5 174 Yes Yes /classes/Hook.php:670
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE h.id_hook, as h_name, title, description, h.position, hm.position as hm_position, m.id_module,, active
FROM `ps_hook_module` hm
STRAIGHT_JOIN `ps_hook` h ON (h.id_hook = hm.id_hook AND hm.id_shop = 1)
STRAIGHT_JOIN `ps_module` as m ON (m.id_module = hm.id_module)
ORDER BY hm.position
1.4 482 /classes/Hook.php:407
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ON (country_shop.id_country = c.id_country AND country_shop.id_shop = 1)
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LEFT JOIN `ps_zone` z ON (z.`id_zone` = c.`id_zone`)
1.3 244 Yes /classes/Country.php:147
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FROM `ps_image` i
INNER JOIN ps_image_shop image_shop
ON (image_shop.id_image = i.id_image AND image_shop.id_shop = 1)
LEFT JOIN `ps_image_lang` il ON (i.`id_image` = il.`id_image` AND il.`id_lang` = 1)
WHERE i.`id_product` = 7294
ORDER BY `position`
1.1 1 Yes /classes/Product.php:3059
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE name, value, pf.id_feature, f.position
FROM ps_feature_product pf
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_lang fl ON (fl.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = 1)
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_value_lang fvl ON (fvl.id_feature_value = pf.id_feature_value AND fvl.id_lang = 1)
LEFT JOIN ps_feature f ON (f.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = 1)
INNER JOIN ps_feature_shop feature_shop
ON (feature_shop.id_feature = f.id_feature AND feature_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE pf.id_product = 29912
ORDER BY f.position ASC
1 6 Yes /classes/Product.php:5020
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE `id_hook`, `name`
FROM `ps_hook`
SELECT `id_hook`, ha.`alias` as name
FROM `ps_hook_alias` ha
INNER JOIN `ps_hook` h ON =
0.9 0 /classes/Hook.php:194
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE image_shop.`cover`, i.`id_image`, il.`legend`, i.`position`
FROM `ps_image` i
INNER JOIN ps_image_shop image_shop
ON (image_shop.id_image = i.id_image AND image_shop.id_shop = 1)
LEFT JOIN `ps_image_lang` il ON (i.`id_image` = il.`id_image` AND il.`id_lang` = 1)
WHERE i.`id_product` = 20589
ORDER BY `position`
0.9 1 Yes /classes/Product.php:3059
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE image_shop.`cover`, i.`id_image`, il.`legend`, i.`position`
FROM `ps_image` i
INNER JOIN ps_image_shop image_shop
ON (image_shop.id_image = i.id_image AND image_shop.id_shop = 1)
LEFT JOIN `ps_image_lang` il ON (i.`id_image` = il.`id_image` AND il.`id_lang` = 1)
WHERE i.`id_product` = 13188
ORDER BY `position`
0.8 1 Yes /classes/Product.php:3059
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE image_shop.`cover`, i.`id_image`, il.`legend`, i.`position`
FROM `ps_image` i
INNER JOIN ps_image_shop image_shop
ON (image_shop.id_image = i.id_image AND image_shop.id_shop = 1)
LEFT JOIN `ps_image_lang` il ON (i.`id_image` = il.`id_image` AND il.`id_lang` = 1)
WHERE i.`id_product` = 29912
ORDER BY `position`
0.8 1 Yes /classes/Product.php:3059
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE name, value, pf.id_feature, f.position
FROM ps_feature_product pf
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_lang fl ON (fl.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = 1)
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_value_lang fvl ON (fvl.id_feature_value = pf.id_feature_value AND fvl.id_lang = 1)
LEFT JOIN ps_feature f ON (f.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = 1)
INNER JOIN ps_feature_shop feature_shop
ON (feature_shop.id_feature = f.id_feature AND feature_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE pf.id_product = 13188
ORDER BY f.position ASC
0.8 6 Yes /classes/Product.php:5020
FROM `ps_product` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_lang` `b` ON a.`id_product` = b.`id_product` AND b.`id_lang` = 1
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_shop` `c` ON a.`id_product` = c.`id_product` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_product` = 7294) AND (b.`id_shop` = 1) LIMIT 1
0.8 1 /src/Adapter/EntityMapper.php:75
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE name, value, pf.id_feature, f.position
FROM ps_feature_product pf
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_lang fl ON (fl.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = 1)
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_value_lang fvl ON (fvl.id_feature_value = pf.id_feature_value AND fvl.id_lang = 1)
LEFT JOIN ps_feature f ON (f.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = 1)
INNER JOIN ps_feature_shop feature_shop
ON (feature_shop.id_feature = f.id_feature AND feature_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE pf.id_product = 20589
ORDER BY f.position ASC
0.8 6 Yes /classes/Product.php:5020
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE name, value, pf.id_feature, f.position
FROM ps_feature_product pf
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_lang fl ON (fl.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = 1)
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_value_lang fvl ON (fvl.id_feature_value = pf.id_feature_value AND fvl.id_lang = 1)
LEFT JOIN ps_feature f ON (f.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = 1)
INNER JOIN ps_feature_shop feature_shop
ON (feature_shop.id_feature = f.id_feature AND feature_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE pf.id_product = 17260
ORDER BY f.position ASC
0.8 6 Yes /classes/Product.php:5020
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE name, value, pf.id_feature, f.position
FROM ps_feature_product pf
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_lang fl ON (fl.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = 1)
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_value_lang fvl ON (fvl.id_feature_value = pf.id_feature_value AND fvl.id_lang = 1)
LEFT JOIN ps_feature f ON (f.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = 1)
INNER JOIN ps_feature_shop feature_shop
ON (feature_shop.id_feature = f.id_feature AND feature_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE pf.id_product = 17453
ORDER BY f.position ASC
0.7 6 Yes /classes/Product.php:5020
FROM `ps_stock_available`
WHERE (id_product = 7294) AND (id_product_attribute = 0) AND (id_shop = 1) AND (id_shop_group = 0) LIMIT 1
0.7 1 /classes/stock/StockAvailable.php:444
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE image_shop.`cover`, i.`id_image`, il.`legend`, i.`position`
FROM `ps_image` i
INNER JOIN ps_image_shop image_shop
ON (image_shop.id_image = i.id_image AND image_shop.id_shop = 1)
LEFT JOIN `ps_image_lang` il ON (i.`id_image` = il.`id_image` AND il.`id_lang` = 1)
WHERE i.`id_product` = 29733
ORDER BY `position`
0.7 1 Yes /classes/Product.php:3059
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE name, value, pf.id_feature, f.position
FROM ps_feature_product pf
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_lang fl ON (fl.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = 1)
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_value_lang fvl ON (fvl.id_feature_value = pf.id_feature_value AND fvl.id_lang = 1)
LEFT JOIN ps_feature f ON (f.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = 1)
INNER JOIN ps_feature_shop feature_shop
ON (feature_shop.id_feature = f.id_feature AND feature_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE pf.id_product = 32368
ORDER BY f.position ASC
0.7 6 Yes /classes/Product.php:5020
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE ctg.`id_group`
FROM `ps_category_product` cp
INNER JOIN `ps_category_group` ctg ON (ctg.`id_category` = cp.`id_category`)
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0.7 5 /classes/Product.php:5576
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE image_shop.`cover`, i.`id_image`, il.`legend`, i.`position`
FROM `ps_image` i
INNER JOIN ps_image_shop image_shop
ON (image_shop.id_image = i.id_image AND image_shop.id_shop = 1)
LEFT JOIN `ps_image_lang` il ON (i.`id_image` = il.`id_image` AND il.`id_lang` = 1)
WHERE i.`id_product` = 17453
ORDER BY `position`
0.7 1 Yes /classes/Product.php:3059
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE image_shop.`cover`, i.`id_image`, il.`legend`, i.`position`
FROM `ps_image` i
INNER JOIN ps_image_shop image_shop
ON (image_shop.id_image = i.id_image AND image_shop.id_shop = 1)
LEFT JOIN `ps_image_lang` il ON (i.`id_image` = il.`id_image` AND il.`id_lang` = 1)
WHERE i.`id_product` = 32368
ORDER BY `position`
0.7 1 Yes /classes/Product.php:3059
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE name, value, pf.id_feature, f.position
FROM ps_feature_product pf
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_lang fl ON (fl.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = 1)
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_value_lang fvl ON (fvl.id_feature_value = pf.id_feature_value AND fvl.id_lang = 1)
LEFT JOIN ps_feature f ON (f.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = 1)
INNER JOIN ps_feature_shop feature_shop
ON (feature_shop.id_feature = f.id_feature AND feature_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE pf.id_product = 8531
ORDER BY f.position ASC
0.7 6 Yes /classes/Product.php:5020
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE name, value, pf.id_feature, f.position
FROM ps_feature_product pf
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_lang fl ON (fl.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = 1)
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_value_lang fvl ON (fvl.id_feature_value = pf.id_feature_value AND fvl.id_lang = 1)
LEFT JOIN ps_feature f ON (f.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = 1)
INNER JOIN ps_feature_shop feature_shop
ON (feature_shop.id_feature = f.id_feature AND feature_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE pf.id_product = 7898
ORDER BY f.position ASC
0.6 6 Yes /classes/Product.php:5020
IFNULL(sa.quantity, 0) as quantity,
'2025-02-17 00:00:00',
) > 0) as new
FROM ps_product p
LEFT JOIN ps_product_lang pl
ON pl.id_product = p.id_product
AND pl.id_shop = 1
AND pl.id_lang = 1
LEFT JOIN ps_stock_available sa
ON sa.id_product = p.id_product 
AND sa.id_shop = 1
WHERE p.id_product = 20589
0.6 1 /classes/ProductAssembler.php:90
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE image_shop.`cover`, i.`id_image`, il.`legend`, i.`position`
FROM `ps_image` i
INNER JOIN ps_image_shop image_shop
ON (image_shop.id_image = i.id_image AND image_shop.id_shop = 1)
LEFT JOIN `ps_image_lang` il ON (i.`id_image` = il.`id_image` AND il.`id_lang` = 1)
WHERE i.`id_product` = 8531
ORDER BY `position`
0.6 1 Yes /classes/Product.php:3059
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE name, value, pf.id_feature, f.position
FROM ps_feature_product pf
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_lang fl ON (fl.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = 1)
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_value_lang fvl ON (fvl.id_feature_value = pf.id_feature_value AND fvl.id_lang = 1)
LEFT JOIN ps_feature f ON (f.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = 1)
INNER JOIN ps_feature_shop feature_shop
ON (feature_shop.id_feature = f.id_feature AND feature_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE pf.id_product = 17750
ORDER BY f.position ASC
0.6 6 Yes /classes/Product.php:5020
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE name, value, pf.id_feature, f.position
FROM ps_feature_product pf
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_lang fl ON (fl.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = 1)
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_value_lang fvl ON (fvl.id_feature_value = pf.id_feature_value AND fvl.id_lang = 1)
LEFT JOIN ps_feature f ON (f.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = 1)
INNER JOIN ps_feature_shop feature_shop
ON (feature_shop.id_feature = f.id_feature AND feature_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE pf.id_product = 30062
ORDER BY f.position ASC
0.6 6 Yes /classes/Product.php:5020
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE name, value, pf.id_feature, f.position
FROM ps_feature_product pf
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_lang fl ON (fl.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = 1)
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_value_lang fvl ON (fvl.id_feature_value = pf.id_feature_value AND fvl.id_lang = 1)
LEFT JOIN ps_feature f ON (f.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = 1)
INNER JOIN ps_feature_shop feature_shop
ON (feature_shop.id_feature = f.id_feature AND feature_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE pf.id_product = 17333
ORDER BY f.position ASC
0.6 6 Yes /classes/Product.php:5020
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE name, value, pf.id_feature, f.position
FROM ps_feature_product pf
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_lang fl ON (fl.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = 1)
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_value_lang fvl ON (fvl.id_feature_value = pf.id_feature_value AND fvl.id_lang = 1)
LEFT JOIN ps_feature f ON (f.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = 1)
INNER JOIN ps_feature_shop feature_shop
ON (feature_shop.id_feature = f.id_feature AND feature_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE pf.id_product = 29733
ORDER BY f.position ASC
0.6 6 Yes /classes/Product.php:5020
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE name, value, pf.id_feature, f.position
FROM ps_feature_product pf
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_lang fl ON (fl.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = 1)
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_value_lang fvl ON (fvl.id_feature_value = pf.id_feature_value AND fvl.id_lang = 1)
LEFT JOIN ps_feature f ON (f.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = 1)
INNER JOIN ps_feature_shop feature_shop
ON (feature_shop.id_feature = f.id_feature AND feature_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE pf.id_product = 13264
ORDER BY f.position ASC
0.6 6 Yes /classes/Product.php:5020
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE image_shop.`cover`, i.`id_image`, il.`legend`, i.`position`
FROM `ps_image` i
INNER JOIN ps_image_shop image_shop
ON (image_shop.id_image = i.id_image AND image_shop.id_shop = 1)
LEFT JOIN `ps_image_lang` il ON (i.`id_image` = il.`id_image` AND il.`id_lang` = 1)
WHERE i.`id_product` = 44031
ORDER BY `position`
0.6 1 Yes /classes/Product.php:3059
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE image_shop.`cover`, i.`id_image`, il.`legend`, i.`position`
FROM `ps_image` i
INNER JOIN ps_image_shop image_shop
ON (image_shop.id_image = i.id_image AND image_shop.id_shop = 1)
LEFT JOIN `ps_image_lang` il ON (i.`id_image` = il.`id_image` AND il.`id_lang` = 1)
WHERE i.`id_product` = 30062
ORDER BY `position`
0.6 1 Yes /classes/Product.php:3059
IFNULL(sa.quantity, 0) as quantity,
'2025-02-17 00:00:00',
) > 0) as new
FROM ps_product p
LEFT JOIN ps_product_lang pl
ON pl.id_product = p.id_product
AND pl.id_shop = 1
AND pl.id_lang = 1
LEFT JOIN ps_stock_available sa
ON sa.id_product = p.id_product 
AND sa.id_shop = 1
WHERE p.id_product = 42774
0.6 1 /classes/ProductAssembler.php:90
0.6 376 Yes /classes/Country.php:154
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE name, value, pf.id_feature, f.position
FROM ps_feature_product pf
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_lang fl ON (fl.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = 1)
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_value_lang fvl ON (fvl.id_feature_value = pf.id_feature_value AND fvl.id_lang = 1)
LEFT JOIN ps_feature f ON (f.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = 1)
INNER JOIN ps_feature_shop feature_shop
ON (feature_shop.id_feature = f.id_feature AND feature_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE pf.id_product = 44031
ORDER BY f.position ASC
0.6 6 Yes /classes/Product.php:5020
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE p.*, product_shop.*, stock.out_of_stock, IFNULL(stock.quantity, 0) as quantity, pl.`description`, pl.`description_short`, pl.`link_rewrite`,
pl.`meta_description`, pl.`meta_keywords`, pl.`meta_title`, pl.`name`, pl.`available_now`, pl.`available_later`,
image_shop.`id_image` id_image, il.`legend`, m.`name` as manufacturer_name, cl.`name` AS category_default, IFNULL(product_attribute_shop.id_product_attribute, 0) id_product_attribute,
"2025-02-17 00:00:00",
) > 0 AS new
FROM `ps_accessory`
LEFT JOIN `ps_product` p ON p.`id_product` = `id_product_2`
INNER JOIN ps_product_shop product_shop
ON (product_shop.id_product = p.id_product AND product_shop.id_shop = 1)
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_attribute_shop` product_attribute_shop
ON (p.`id_product` = product_attribute_shop.`id_product` AND product_attribute_shop.`default_on` = 1 AND product_attribute_shop.id_shop=1)
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_lang` pl ON (
p.`id_product` = pl.`id_product`
AND pl.`id_lang` = 1 AND pl.id_shop = 1 
LEFT JOIN `ps_category_lang` cl ON (
product_shop.`id_category_default` = cl.`id_category`
AND cl.`id_lang` = 1 AND cl.id_shop = 1 
LEFT JOIN `ps_image_shop` image_shop
ON (image_shop.`id_product` = p.`id_product` AND image_shop.cover=1 AND image_shop.id_shop=1)
LEFT JOIN `ps_image_lang` il ON (image_shop.`id_image` = il.`id_image` AND il.`id_lang` = 1)
LEFT JOIN `ps_manufacturer` m ON (p.`id_manufacturer`= m.`id_manufacturer`)
LEFT JOIN ps_stock_available stock
ON (stock.id_product = `p`.id_product AND stock.id_product_attribute = 0 AND stock.id_shop = 1  AND stock.id_shop_group = 0  )
WHERE `id_product_1` = 7294 AND product_shop.`active` = 1 AND product_shop.`visibility` != 'none'
GROUP BY product_shop.id_product
0.6 1 Yes /classes/Product.php:4031
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE c.*, cl.*  FROM `ps_category` c
LEFT JOIN `ps_category_lang` cl
ON (c.`id_category` = cl.`id_category`
AND `id_lang` = 1 AND cl.id_shop = 1 ) WHERE c.`nleft` <= 923 AND c.`nright` >= 924 AND c.`nleft` >= 2 AND c.`nright` <= 1961 ORDER BY `nleft` DESC
0.5 981 Yes /classes/Category.php:1575
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE image_shop.`cover`, i.`id_image`, il.`legend`, i.`position`
FROM `ps_image` i
INNER JOIN ps_image_shop image_shop
ON (image_shop.id_image = i.id_image AND image_shop.id_shop = 1)
LEFT JOIN `ps_image_lang` il ON (i.`id_image` = il.`id_image` AND il.`id_lang` = 1)
WHERE i.`id_product` = 17333
ORDER BY `position`
0.5 1 Yes /classes/Product.php:3059
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE c.*, cl.*  FROM `ps_category` c
LEFT JOIN `ps_category_lang` cl
ON (c.`id_category` = cl.`id_category`
AND `id_lang` = 1 AND cl.id_shop = 1 ) WHERE c.`nleft` <= 920 AND c.`nright` >= 927 AND c.`nleft` >= 2 AND c.`nright` <= 1961 ORDER BY `nleft` DESC
0.5 981 Yes /classes/Category.php:1575
FROM `ps_category` a0
LEFT JOIN `ps_category_lang` `a1` ON (a0.`id_category` = a1.`id_category`)
WHERE (a0.`nleft` < 789) AND (a0.`nright` > 1190) AND (a1.`id_lang` = 1)
ORDER BY a0.`nleft` asc
0.5 981 Yes /classes/PrestaShopCollection.php:381
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE c.*, cl.*  FROM `ps_category` c
LEFT JOIN `ps_category_lang` cl
ON (c.`id_category` = cl.`id_category`
AND `id_lang` = 1 AND cl.id_shop = 1 ) WHERE c.`nleft` <= 789 AND c.`nright` >= 1190 AND c.`nleft` >= 2 AND c.`nright` <= 1961 ORDER BY `nleft` DESC
0.5 981 Yes /classes/Category.php:1575
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE c.*, cl.*  FROM `ps_category` c
LEFT JOIN `ps_category_lang` cl
ON (c.`id_category` = cl.`id_category`
AND `id_lang` = 1 AND cl.id_shop = 1 ) WHERE c.`nleft` <= 994 AND c.`nright` >= 1001 AND c.`nleft` >= 2 AND c.`nright` <= 1961 ORDER BY `nleft` DESC
0.5 981 Yes /classes/Category.php:1575
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE image_shop.`cover`, i.`id_image`, il.`legend`, i.`position`
FROM `ps_image` i
INNER JOIN ps_image_shop image_shop
ON (image_shop.id_image = i.id_image AND image_shop.id_shop = 1)
LEFT JOIN `ps_image_lang` il ON (i.`id_image` = il.`id_image` AND il.`id_lang` = 1)
WHERE i.`id_product` = 6753
ORDER BY `position`
0.5 1 Yes /classes/Product.php:3059
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE name, value, pf.id_feature, f.position
FROM ps_feature_product pf
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_lang fl ON (fl.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = 1)
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_value_lang fvl ON (fvl.id_feature_value = pf.id_feature_value AND fvl.id_lang = 1)
LEFT JOIN ps_feature f ON (f.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = 1)
INNER JOIN ps_feature_shop feature_shop
ON (feature_shop.id_feature = f.id_feature AND feature_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE pf.id_product = 42774
ORDER BY f.position ASC
0.5 18 Yes /classes/Product.php:5020
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE image_shop.`cover`, i.`id_image`, il.`legend`, i.`position`
FROM `ps_image` i
INNER JOIN ps_image_shop image_shop
ON (image_shop.id_image = i.id_image AND image_shop.id_shop = 1)
LEFT JOIN `ps_image_lang` il ON (i.`id_image` = il.`id_image` AND il.`id_lang` = 1)
WHERE i.`id_product` = 42774
ORDER BY `position`
0.5 1 Yes /classes/Product.php:3059
IFNULL(sa.quantity, 0) as quantity,
'2025-02-17 00:00:00',
) > 0) as new
FROM ps_product p
LEFT JOIN ps_product_lang pl
ON pl.id_product = p.id_product
AND pl.id_shop = 1
AND pl.id_lang = 1
LEFT JOIN ps_stock_available sa
ON sa.id_product = p.id_product 
AND sa.id_shop = 1
WHERE p.id_product = 9398
0.5 1 /classes/ProductAssembler.php:90
IFNULL(sa.quantity, 0) as quantity,
'2025-02-17 00:00:00',
) > 0) as new
FROM ps_product p
LEFT JOIN ps_product_lang pl
ON pl.id_product = p.id_product
AND pl.id_shop = 1
AND pl.id_lang = 1
LEFT JOIN ps_stock_available sa
ON sa.id_product = p.id_product 
AND sa.id_shop = 1
WHERE p.id_product = 29912
0.5 1 /classes/ProductAssembler.php:90
FROM `ps_manufacturer` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_manufacturer_lang` `b` ON a.`id_manufacturer` = b.`id_manufacturer` AND b.`id_lang` = 1
LEFT JOIN `ps_manufacturer_shop` `c` ON a.`id_manufacturer` = c.`id_manufacturer` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_manufacturer` = 160) LIMIT 1
0.5 1 /src/Adapter/EntityMapper.php:75
IFNULL(sa.quantity, 0) as quantity,
'2025-02-17 00:00:00',
) > 0) as new
FROM ps_product p
LEFT JOIN ps_product_lang pl
ON pl.id_product = p.id_product
AND pl.id_shop = 1
AND pl.id_lang = 1
LEFT JOIN ps_stock_available sa
ON sa.id_product = p.id_product 
AND sa.id_shop = 1
WHERE p.id_product = 17453
0.5 1 /classes/ProductAssembler.php:90
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE p.*, product_shop.*, stock.out_of_stock, IFNULL(stock.quantity, 0) as quantity, pl.`description`, pl.`description_short`, pl.`link_rewrite`,
pl.`meta_description`, pl.`meta_keywords`, pl.`meta_title`, pl.`name`, pl.`available_now`, pl.`available_later`,
image_shop.`id_image` id_image, il.`legend`, m.`name` as manufacturer_name, cl.`name` AS category_default, IFNULL(product_attribute_shop.id_product_attribute, 0) id_product_attribute,
"2025-02-17 00:00:00",
) > 0 AS new
FROM `ps_accessory`
LEFT JOIN `ps_product` p ON p.`id_product` = `id_product_2`
INNER JOIN ps_product_shop product_shop
ON (product_shop.id_product = p.id_product AND product_shop.id_shop = 1)
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_attribute_shop` product_attribute_shop
ON (p.`id_product` = product_attribute_shop.`id_product` AND product_attribute_shop.`default_on` = 1 AND product_attribute_shop.id_shop=1)
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_lang` pl ON (
p.`id_product` = pl.`id_product`
AND pl.`id_lang` = 1 AND pl.id_shop = 1 
LEFT JOIN `ps_category_lang` cl ON (
product_shop.`id_category_default` = cl.`id_category`
AND cl.`id_lang` = 1 AND cl.id_shop = 1 
LEFT JOIN `ps_image_shop` image_shop
ON (image_shop.`id_product` = p.`id_product` AND image_shop.cover=1 AND image_shop.id_shop=1)
LEFT JOIN `ps_image_lang` il ON (image_shop.`id_image` = il.`id_image` AND il.`id_lang` = 1)
LEFT JOIN `ps_manufacturer` m ON (p.`id_manufacturer`= m.`id_manufacturer`)
LEFT JOIN ps_stock_available stock
ON (stock.id_product = `p`.id_product AND stock.id_product_attribute = 0 AND stock.id_shop = 1  AND stock.id_shop_group = 0  )
WHERE `id_product_1` = 7294 AND product_shop.`active` = 1 AND product_shop.`visibility` != 'none'
GROUP BY product_shop.id_product
0.5 1 Yes /classes/Product.php:4031
IFNULL(sa.quantity, 0) as quantity,
'2025-02-17 00:00:00',
) > 0) as new
FROM ps_product p
LEFT JOIN ps_product_lang pl
ON pl.id_product = p.id_product
AND pl.id_shop = 1
AND pl.id_lang = 1
LEFT JOIN ps_stock_available sa
ON sa.id_product = p.id_product 
AND sa.id_shop = 1
WHERE p.id_product = 13188
0.5 1 /classes/ProductAssembler.php:90
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE c.*, cl.*  FROM `ps_category` c
LEFT JOIN `ps_category_lang` cl
ON (c.`id_category` = cl.`id_category`
AND `id_lang` = 1 AND cl.id_shop = 1 ) WHERE c.`nleft` <= 997 AND c.`nright` >= 998 AND c.`nleft` >= 2 AND c.`nright` <= 1961 ORDER BY `nleft` DESC
0.5 981 Yes /classes/Category.php:1575
IFNULL(sa.quantity, 0) as quantity,
'2025-02-17 00:00:00',
) > 0) as new
FROM ps_product p
LEFT JOIN ps_product_lang pl
ON pl.id_product = p.id_product
AND pl.id_shop = 1
AND pl.id_lang = 1
LEFT JOIN ps_stock_available sa
ON sa.id_product = p.id_product 
AND sa.id_shop = 1
WHERE p.id_product = 32368
0.5 1 /classes/ProductAssembler.php:90
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE name, value, pf.id_feature, f.position
FROM ps_feature_product pf
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_lang fl ON (fl.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = 1)
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_value_lang fvl ON (fvl.id_feature_value = pf.id_feature_value AND fvl.id_lang = 1)
LEFT JOIN ps_feature f ON (f.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = 1)
INNER JOIN ps_feature_shop feature_shop
ON (feature_shop.id_feature = f.id_feature AND feature_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE pf.id_product = 6753
ORDER BY f.position ASC
0.5 6 Yes /classes/Product.php:5020
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE image_shop.`cover`, i.`id_image`, il.`legend`, i.`position`
FROM `ps_image` i
INNER JOIN ps_image_shop image_shop
ON (image_shop.id_image = i.id_image AND image_shop.id_shop = 1)
LEFT JOIN `ps_image_lang` il ON (i.`id_image` = il.`id_image` AND il.`id_lang` = 1)
WHERE i.`id_product` = 9398
ORDER BY `position`
0.5 1 Yes /classes/Product.php:3059
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE `id_country`
FROM `ps_country`
WHERE `iso_code` = 'US' AND active = 1 LIMIT 1
0.5 1 /classes/Country.php:193
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE COALESCE(SUM(first_level_quantity) + SUM(pack_quantity), 0) as deep_quantity,
COALESCE(SUM(first_level_quantity), 0) as quantity
FROM (SELECT cp.`quantity` as first_level_quantity, 0 as pack_quantity
FROM `ps_cart_product` cp
WHERE cp.`id_product_attribute` = 0
AND cp.`id_customization` = 0
AND cp.`id_cart` = 0 AND cp.`id_product` = 20589 UNION SELECT 0 as first_level_quantity, cp.`quantity` * p.`quantity` as pack_quantity
FROM `ps_cart_product` cp JOIN `ps_pack` p ON cp.`id_product` = p.`id_product_pack` JOIN `ps_product` pr ON p.`id_product_pack` = pr.`id_product`
WHERE cp.`id_product_attribute` = 0
AND cp.`id_customization` = 0
AND cp.`id_cart` = 0 AND p.`id_product_item` = 20589 AND (pr.`pack_stock_type` IN (1,2) OR (
pr.`pack_stock_type` = 3
AND 0 = 1
))) as q LIMIT 1
0.4 0 /classes/Cart.php:1238
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE name, value, pf.id_feature, f.position
FROM ps_feature_product pf
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_lang fl ON (fl.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = 1)
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_value_lang fvl ON (fvl.id_feature_value = pf.id_feature_value AND fvl.id_lang = 1)
LEFT JOIN ps_feature f ON (f.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = 1)
INNER JOIN ps_feature_shop feature_shop
ON (feature_shop.id_feature = f.id_feature AND feature_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE pf.id_product = 9398
ORDER BY f.position ASC
0.4 6 Yes /classes/Product.php:5020
IFNULL(sa.quantity, 0) as quantity,
'2025-02-17 00:00:00',
) > 0) as new
FROM ps_product p
LEFT JOIN ps_product_lang pl
ON pl.id_product = p.id_product
AND pl.id_shop = 1
AND pl.id_lang = 1
LEFT JOIN ps_stock_available sa
ON sa.id_product = p.id_product 
AND sa.id_shop = 1
WHERE p.id_product = 44031
0.4 1 /classes/ProductAssembler.php:90
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE COALESCE(SUM(first_level_quantity) + SUM(pack_quantity), 0) as deep_quantity,
COALESCE(SUM(first_level_quantity), 0) as quantity
FROM (SELECT cp.`quantity` as first_level_quantity, 0 as pack_quantity
FROM `ps_cart_product` cp
WHERE cp.`id_product_attribute` = 0
AND cp.`id_customization` = 0
AND cp.`id_cart` = 0 AND cp.`id_product` = 7294 UNION SELECT 0 as first_level_quantity, cp.`quantity` * p.`quantity` as pack_quantity
FROM `ps_cart_product` cp JOIN `ps_pack` p ON cp.`id_product` = p.`id_product_pack` JOIN `ps_product` pr ON p.`id_product_pack` = pr.`id_product`
WHERE cp.`id_product_attribute` = 0
AND cp.`id_customization` = 0
AND cp.`id_cart` = 0 AND p.`id_product_item` = 7294 AND (pr.`pack_stock_type` IN (1,2) OR (
pr.`pack_stock_type` = 3
AND 0 = 1
))) as q LIMIT 1
0.4 0 /classes/Cart.php:1238
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE COALESCE(SUM(first_level_quantity) + SUM(pack_quantity), 0) as deep_quantity,
COALESCE(SUM(first_level_quantity), 0) as quantity
FROM (SELECT cp.`quantity` as first_level_quantity, 0 as pack_quantity
FROM `ps_cart_product` cp
WHERE cp.`id_product_attribute` = 0
AND cp.`id_customization` = 0
AND cp.`id_cart` = 0 AND cp.`id_product` = 42774 UNION SELECT 0 as first_level_quantity, cp.`quantity` * p.`quantity` as pack_quantity
FROM `ps_cart_product` cp JOIN `ps_pack` p ON cp.`id_product` = p.`id_product_pack` JOIN `ps_product` pr ON p.`id_product_pack` = pr.`id_product`
WHERE cp.`id_product_attribute` = 0
AND cp.`id_customization` = 0
AND cp.`id_cart` = 0 AND p.`id_product_item` = 42774 AND (pr.`pack_stock_type` IN (1,2) OR (
pr.`pack_stock_type` = 3
AND 0 = 1
))) as q LIMIT 1
0.4 0 /classes/Cart.php:1238
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE COALESCE(SUM(first_level_quantity) + SUM(pack_quantity), 0) as deep_quantity,
COALESCE(SUM(first_level_quantity), 0) as quantity
FROM (SELECT cp.`quantity` as first_level_quantity, 0 as pack_quantity
FROM `ps_cart_product` cp
WHERE cp.`id_product_attribute` = 0
AND cp.`id_customization` = 0
AND cp.`id_cart` = 0 AND cp.`id_product` = 29912 UNION SELECT 0 as first_level_quantity, cp.`quantity` * p.`quantity` as pack_quantity
FROM `ps_cart_product` cp JOIN `ps_pack` p ON cp.`id_product` = p.`id_product_pack` JOIN `ps_product` pr ON p.`id_product_pack` = pr.`id_product`
WHERE cp.`id_product_attribute` = 0
AND cp.`id_customization` = 0
AND cp.`id_cart` = 0 AND p.`id_product_item` = 29912 AND (pr.`pack_stock_type` IN (1,2) OR (
pr.`pack_stock_type` = 3
AND 0 = 1
))) as q LIMIT 1
0.4 0 /classes/Cart.php:1238
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE COALESCE(SUM(first_level_quantity) + SUM(pack_quantity), 0) as deep_quantity,
COALESCE(SUM(first_level_quantity), 0) as quantity
FROM (SELECT cp.`quantity` as first_level_quantity, 0 as pack_quantity
FROM `ps_cart_product` cp
WHERE cp.`id_product_attribute` = 0
AND cp.`id_customization` = 0
AND cp.`id_cart` = 0 AND cp.`id_product` = 17453 UNION SELECT 0 as first_level_quantity, cp.`quantity` * p.`quantity` as pack_quantity
FROM `ps_cart_product` cp JOIN `ps_pack` p ON cp.`id_product` = p.`id_product_pack` JOIN `ps_product` pr ON p.`id_product_pack` = pr.`id_product`
WHERE cp.`id_product_attribute` = 0
AND cp.`id_customization` = 0
AND cp.`id_cart` = 0 AND p.`id_product_item` = 17453 AND (pr.`pack_stock_type` IN (1,2) OR (
pr.`pack_stock_type` = 3
AND 0 = 1
))) as q LIMIT 1
0.4 0 /classes/Cart.php:1238
( IF (`id_group` = 1, 2, 0) +  IF (`id_country` = 6, 4, 0) +  IF (`id_currency` = 1, 8, 0) +  IF (`id_shop` = 1, 16, 0) +  IF (`id_customer` = 0, 32, 0)) AS `score`
FROM `ps_specific_price`
`id_shop` IN (0, 1) AND
`id_currency` IN (0, 1) AND
`id_country` IN (0, 6) AND
`id_group` IN (0, 1) AND `id_product` = 0 AND `id_customer` = 0 AND `id_product_attribute` = 0 AND `id_cart` = 0  AND (`from` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR '2025-02-17 00:00:00' >= `from`) AND (`to` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR '2025-02-17 00:00:00' <= `to`)
ORDER BY `from_quantity` ASC, `id_specific_price_rule` ASC, `score` DESC, `to` DESC, `from` DESC
0.4 1 Yes /classes/SpecificPrice.php:620
FROM `ps_advancedpopup`
INNER JOIN `ps_advancedpopup_lang` ON `ps_advancedpopup`.`id_advancedpopup` = `ps_advancedpopup_lang`.`id_advancedpopup`
WHERE `id_shop` = 1 AND `id_lang` = 1 AND `active` = 1
AND (`date_init` <= "2025-02-17 11:33:38" OR `date_init` = "1970-01-01 01:00:00")
AND (`date_end` >= "2025-02-17 11:33:38" OR `date_end` = "1970-01-01 01:00:00")
AND (`customers` = ""
OR `customers` IS NULL
OR FIND_IN_SET("0", `customers`))
AND (`languages` = ""
OR `languages` IS NULL
OR FIND_IN_SET("1", `languages`))
AND (`display_ip_string` = ""
OR `display_ip_string` IS NULL
OR FIND_IN_SET("", `display_ip_string`))
AND (`genders` = ""
OR `genders` IS NULL) AND (`groups` = ""
OR `groups` IS NULL  OR FIND_IN_SET(1, `groups`)) AND `display_desktop` = 1 AND (`cms` = ""
OR `cms` IS NULL) AND (`controller_exceptions` = ""
OR `controller_exceptions` IS NULL
OR FIND_IN_SET("product", `controller_exceptions`)) AND (`display_after_cart` = 1
OR (`products` = ""
OR `products` IS NULL
OR FIND_IN_SET(7294, `products`))) AND (`categories` = ""
OR `categories` IS NULL  OR FIND_IN_SET(890, `categories`) OR FIND_IN_SET(903, `categories`) OR FIND_IN_SET(905, `categories`) OR FIND_IN_SET(936, `categories`) OR FIND_IN_SET(938, `categories`)) AND (`display_after_cart` = 1
OR (`manufacturers` = ""
OR `manufacturers` IS NULL
OR FIND_IN_SET("160", `manufacturers`))) AND (`display_after_cart` = 1
OR (`suppliers` = ""
OR `suppliers` IS NULL
OR FIND_IN_SET("0", `suppliers`))) ORDER BY `priority` ASC;
0.4 1 Yes /modules/advancedpopupcreator/classes/AdvancedPopup.php:388
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE COALESCE(SUM(first_level_quantity) + SUM(pack_quantity), 0) as deep_quantity,
COALESCE(SUM(first_level_quantity), 0) as quantity
FROM (SELECT cp.`quantity` as first_level_quantity, 0 as pack_quantity
FROM `ps_cart_product` cp
WHERE cp.`id_product_attribute` = 0
AND cp.`id_customization` = 0
AND cp.`id_cart` = 0 AND cp.`id_product` = 29733 UNION SELECT 0 as first_level_quantity, cp.`quantity` * p.`quantity` as pack_quantity
FROM `ps_cart_product` cp JOIN `ps_pack` p ON cp.`id_product` = p.`id_product_pack` JOIN `ps_product` pr ON p.`id_product_pack` = pr.`id_product`
WHERE cp.`id_product_attribute` = 0
AND cp.`id_customization` = 0
AND cp.`id_cart` = 0 AND p.`id_product_item` = 29733 AND (pr.`pack_stock_type` IN (1,2) OR (
pr.`pack_stock_type` = 3
AND 0 = 1
))) as q LIMIT 1
0.4 0 /classes/Cart.php:1238
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE COALESCE(SUM(first_level_quantity) + SUM(pack_quantity), 0) as deep_quantity,
COALESCE(SUM(first_level_quantity), 0) as quantity
FROM (SELECT cp.`quantity` as first_level_quantity, 0 as pack_quantity
FROM `ps_cart_product` cp
WHERE cp.`id_product_attribute` = 0
AND cp.`id_customization` = 0
AND cp.`id_cart` = 0 AND cp.`id_product` = 17333 UNION SELECT 0 as first_level_quantity, cp.`quantity` * p.`quantity` as pack_quantity
FROM `ps_cart_product` cp JOIN `ps_pack` p ON cp.`id_product` = p.`id_product_pack` JOIN `ps_product` pr ON p.`id_product_pack` = pr.`id_product`
WHERE cp.`id_product_attribute` = 0
AND cp.`id_customization` = 0
AND cp.`id_cart` = 0 AND p.`id_product_item` = 17333 AND (pr.`pack_stock_type` IN (1,2) OR (
pr.`pack_stock_type` = 3
AND 0 = 1
))) as q LIMIT 1
0.4 0 /classes/Cart.php:1238
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE COALESCE(SUM(first_level_quantity) + SUM(pack_quantity), 0) as deep_quantity,
COALESCE(SUM(first_level_quantity), 0) as quantity
FROM (SELECT cp.`quantity` as first_level_quantity, 0 as pack_quantity
FROM `ps_cart_product` cp
WHERE cp.`id_product_attribute` = 0
AND cp.`id_customization` = 0
AND cp.`id_cart` = 0 AND cp.`id_product` = 17260 UNION SELECT 0 as first_level_quantity, cp.`quantity` * p.`quantity` as pack_quantity
FROM `ps_cart_product` cp JOIN `ps_pack` p ON cp.`id_product` = p.`id_product_pack` JOIN `ps_product` pr ON p.`id_product_pack` = pr.`id_product`
WHERE cp.`id_product_attribute` = 0
AND cp.`id_customization` = 0
AND cp.`id_cart` = 0 AND p.`id_product_item` = 17260 AND (pr.`pack_stock_type` IN (1,2) OR (
pr.`pack_stock_type` = 3
AND 0 = 1
))) as q LIMIT 1
0.4 0 /classes/Cart.php:1238
FROM `ps_product_lang`
WHERE `id_product` = 7294 AND `id_shop` = 1
0.4 1 /src/Adapter/EntityMapper.php:82
FROM `ps_product` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_lang` `b` ON a.`id_product` = b.`id_product` AND b.`id_lang` = 1
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_shop` `c` ON a.`id_product` = c.`id_product` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_product` = 42774) AND (b.`id_shop` = 1) LIMIT 1
0.4 1 /src/Adapter/EntityMapper.php:75
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE gi.* FROM `ps_groupinc_configuration` gi  WHERE (date_from <= "2025-02-17 11:33:38" OR date_from = "0000-00-00 00:00:00") AND (date_to >= "2025-02-17 11:33:38" OR date_to = "0000-00-00 00:00:00") AND gi.`id_shop` = 1 AND gi.`active` = 1  AND show_on_sale = 1  AND (gi.groups = ""  OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.groups, ";", ",")) > 0) AND (gi.suppliers = "" ) AND (gi.currencies = "" OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.currencies, ";", ",")) > 0) AND (gi.languages = "" OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.languages, ";", ",")) > 0)
0.4 1 /modules/groupinc/classes/GroupincConfiguration.php:449
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE gi.* FROM `ps_groupinc_configuration` gi  WHERE (date_from <= "2025-02-17 11:33:37" OR date_from = "0000-00-00 00:00:00") AND (date_to >= "2025-02-17 11:33:37" OR date_to = "0000-00-00 00:00:00") AND gi.`id_shop` = 1 AND gi.`active` = 1  AND show_on_sale = 1  AND (gi.groups = ""  OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.groups, ";", ",")) > 0) AND (gi.suppliers = "" ) AND (gi.currencies = "" OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.currencies, ";", ",")) > 0) AND (gi.languages = "" OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.languages, ";", ",")) > 0)
0.4 1 /modules/groupinc/classes/GroupincConfiguration.php:449
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE gi.* FROM `ps_groupinc_configuration` gi  WHERE (date_from <= "2025-02-17 11:33:37" OR date_from = "0000-00-00 00:00:00") AND (date_to >= "2025-02-17 11:33:37" OR date_to = "0000-00-00 00:00:00") AND gi.`id_shop` = 1 AND gi.`active` = 1  AND show_on_sale = 1  AND (gi.groups = ""  OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.groups, ";", ",")) > 0) AND (gi.suppliers = "" ) AND (gi.currencies = "" OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.currencies, ";", ",")) > 0) AND (gi.languages = "" OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.languages, ";", ",")) > 0)
0.3 1 /modules/groupinc/classes/GroupincConfiguration.php:449
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE gi.* FROM `ps_groupinc_configuration` gi  WHERE (date_from <= "2025-02-17 11:33:37" OR date_from = "0000-00-00 00:00:00") AND (date_to >= "2025-02-17 11:33:37" OR date_to = "0000-00-00 00:00:00") AND gi.`id_shop` = 1 AND gi.`active` = 1  AND product_qty > 1  AND (gi.groups = ""  OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.groups, ";", ",")) > 0) AND (gi.suppliers = "" ) AND (gi.currencies = "" OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.currencies, ";", ",")) > 0) AND (gi.languages = "" OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.languages, ";", ",")) > 0)
0.3 1 /modules/groupinc/classes/GroupincConfiguration.php:449
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE gi.* FROM `ps_groupinc_configuration` gi  WHERE (date_from <= "2025-02-17 11:33:37" OR date_from = "0000-00-00 00:00:00") AND (date_to >= "2025-02-17 11:33:37" OR date_to = "0000-00-00 00:00:00") AND gi.`id_shop` = 1 AND gi.`active` = 1  AND show_on_sale = 1  AND (gi.groups = ""  OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.groups, ";", ",")) > 0) AND (gi.suppliers = "" ) AND (gi.currencies = "" OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.currencies, ";", ",")) > 0) AND (gi.languages = "" OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.languages, ";", ",")) > 0)
0.3 1 /modules/groupinc/classes/GroupincConfiguration.php:449
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE image_shop.`cover`, i.`id_image`, il.`legend`, i.`position`
FROM `ps_image` i
INNER JOIN ps_image_shop image_shop
ON (image_shop.id_image = i.id_image AND image_shop.id_shop = 1)
LEFT JOIN `ps_image_lang` il ON (i.`id_image` = il.`id_image` AND il.`id_lang` = 1)
WHERE i.`id_product` = 7898
ORDER BY `position`
0.3 1 Yes /classes/Product.php:3059
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE COALESCE(SUM(first_level_quantity) + SUM(pack_quantity), 0) as deep_quantity,
COALESCE(SUM(first_level_quantity), 0) as quantity
FROM (SELECT cp.`quantity` as first_level_quantity, 0 as pack_quantity
FROM `ps_cart_product` cp
WHERE cp.`id_product_attribute` = 0
AND cp.`id_customization` = 0
AND cp.`id_cart` = 0 AND cp.`id_product` = 7898 UNION SELECT 0 as first_level_quantity, cp.`quantity` * p.`quantity` as pack_quantity
FROM `ps_cart_product` cp JOIN `ps_pack` p ON cp.`id_product` = p.`id_product_pack` JOIN `ps_product` pr ON p.`id_product_pack` = pr.`id_product`
WHERE cp.`id_product_attribute` = 0
AND cp.`id_customization` = 0
AND cp.`id_cart` = 0 AND p.`id_product_item` = 7898 AND (pr.`pack_stock_type` IN (1,2) OR (
pr.`pack_stock_type` = 3
AND 0 = 1
))) as q LIMIT 1
0.3 0 /classes/Cart.php:1238
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE gi.* FROM `ps_groupinc_configuration` gi  WHERE (date_from <= "2025-02-17 11:33:37" OR date_from = "0000-00-00 00:00:00") AND (date_to >= "2025-02-17 11:33:37" OR date_to = "0000-00-00 00:00:00") AND gi.`id_shop` = 1 AND gi.`active` = 1  AND show_on_sale = 1  AND (gi.groups = ""  OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.groups, ";", ",")) > 0) AND (gi.suppliers = "" ) AND (gi.currencies = "" OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.currencies, ";", ",")) > 0) AND (gi.languages = "" OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.languages, ";", ",")) > 0)
0.3 1 /modules/groupinc/classes/GroupincConfiguration.php:449
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE gi.* FROM `ps_groupinc_configuration` gi  WHERE (date_from <= "2025-02-17 11:33:37" OR date_from = "0000-00-00 00:00:00") AND (date_to >= "2025-02-17 11:33:37" OR date_to = "0000-00-00 00:00:00") AND gi.`id_shop` = 1 AND gi.`active` = 1  AND (gi.groups = ""  OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.groups, ";", ",")) > 0) AND (gi.suppliers = "" ) AND (gi.currencies = "" OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.currencies, ";", ",")) > 0) AND (gi.languages = "" OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.languages, ";", ",")) > 0)
0.3 1 /modules/groupinc/classes/GroupincConfiguration.php:449
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE gi.* FROM `ps_groupinc_configuration` gi  WHERE (date_from <= "2025-02-17 11:33:37" OR date_from = "0000-00-00 00:00:00") AND (date_to >= "2025-02-17 11:33:37" OR date_to = "0000-00-00 00:00:00") AND gi.`id_shop` = 1 AND gi.`active` = 1  AND (gi.groups = ""  OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.groups, ";", ",")) > 0) AND (gi.suppliers = "" ) AND (gi.currencies = "" OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.currencies, ";", ",")) > 0) AND (gi.languages = "" OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.languages, ";", ",")) > 0)
0.3 1 /modules/groupinc/classes/GroupincConfiguration.php:449
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE gi.* FROM `ps_groupinc_configuration` gi  WHERE (date_from <= "2025-02-17 11:33:37" OR date_from = "0000-00-00 00:00:00") AND (date_to >= "2025-02-17 11:33:37" OR date_to = "0000-00-00 00:00:00") AND gi.`id_shop` = 1 AND gi.`active` = 1  AND (gi.groups = ""  OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.groups, ";", ",")) > 0) AND (gi.suppliers = "" ) AND (gi.currencies = "" OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.currencies, ";", ",")) > 0) AND (gi.languages = "" OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.languages, ";", ",")) > 0)
0.3 1 /modules/groupinc/classes/GroupincConfiguration.php:449
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE gi.* FROM `ps_groupinc_configuration` gi  WHERE (date_from <= "2025-02-17 11:33:37" OR date_from = "0000-00-00 00:00:00") AND (date_to >= "2025-02-17 11:33:37" OR date_to = "0000-00-00 00:00:00") AND gi.`id_shop` = 1 AND gi.`active` = 1  AND (gi.groups = ""  OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.groups, ";", ",")) > 0) AND (gi.suppliers = "" ) AND (gi.currencies = "" OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.currencies, ";", ",")) > 0) AND (gi.languages = "" OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.languages, ";", ",")) > 0)
0.3 1 /modules/groupinc/classes/GroupincConfiguration.php:449
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE gi.* FROM `ps_groupinc_configuration` gi  WHERE (date_from <= "2025-02-17 11:33:37" OR date_from = "0000-00-00 00:00:00") AND (date_to >= "2025-02-17 11:33:37" OR date_to = "0000-00-00 00:00:00") AND gi.`id_shop` = 1 AND gi.`active` = 1  AND (gi.groups = ""  OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.groups, ";", ",")) > 0) AND (gi.suppliers = "" ) AND (gi.currencies = "" OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.currencies, ";", ",")) > 0) AND (gi.languages = "" OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.languages, ";", ",")) > 0)
0.3 1 /modules/groupinc/classes/GroupincConfiguration.php:449
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE gi.* FROM `ps_groupinc_configuration` gi  WHERE (date_from <= "2025-02-17 11:33:37" OR date_from = "0000-00-00 00:00:00") AND (date_to >= "2025-02-17 11:33:37" OR date_to = "0000-00-00 00:00:00") AND gi.`id_shop` = 1 AND gi.`active` = 1  AND (gi.groups = ""  OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.groups, ";", ",")) > 0) AND (gi.suppliers = "" ) AND (gi.currencies = "" OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.currencies, ";", ",")) > 0) AND (gi.languages = "" OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.languages, ";", ",")) > 0)
0.3 1 /modules/groupinc/classes/GroupincConfiguration.php:449
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE gi.* FROM `ps_groupinc_configuration` gi  WHERE (date_from <= "2025-02-17 11:33:37" OR date_from = "0000-00-00 00:00:00") AND (date_to >= "2025-02-17 11:33:37" OR date_to = "0000-00-00 00:00:00") AND gi.`id_shop` = 1 AND gi.`active` = 1  AND (gi.groups = ""  OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.groups, ";", ",")) > 0) AND (gi.suppliers = "" ) AND (gi.currencies = "" OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.currencies, ";", ",")) > 0) AND (gi.languages = "" OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.languages, ";", ",")) > 0)
0.3 1 /modules/groupinc/classes/GroupincConfiguration.php:449
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE gi.* FROM `ps_groupinc_configuration` gi  WHERE (date_from <= "2025-02-17 11:33:37" OR date_from = "0000-00-00 00:00:00") AND (date_to >= "2025-02-17 11:33:37" OR date_to = "0000-00-00 00:00:00") AND gi.`id_shop` = 1 AND gi.`active` = 1  AND (gi.groups = ""  OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.groups, ";", ",")) > 0) AND (gi.suppliers = "" ) AND (gi.currencies = "" OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.currencies, ";", ",")) > 0) AND (gi.languages = "" OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.languages, ";", ",")) > 0)
0.3 1 /modules/groupinc/classes/GroupincConfiguration.php:449
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE gi.* FROM `ps_groupinc_configuration` gi  WHERE (date_from <= "2025-02-17 11:33:37" OR date_from = "0000-00-00 00:00:00") AND (date_to >= "2025-02-17 11:33:37" OR date_to = "0000-00-00 00:00:00") AND gi.`id_shop` = 1 AND gi.`active` = 1  AND (gi.groups = ""  OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.groups, ";", ",")) > 0) AND (gi.suppliers = "" ) AND (gi.currencies = "" OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.currencies, ";", ",")) > 0) AND (gi.languages = "" OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.languages, ";", ",")) > 0)
0.3 1 /modules/groupinc/classes/GroupincConfiguration.php:449
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE m.`id_module`, m.`name`, ms.`id_module`as `mshop`
FROM `ps_module` m
LEFT JOIN `ps_module_shop` ms
ON m.`id_module` = ms.`id_module`
AND ms.`id_shop` = 1
0.3 121 /classes/module/Module.php:307
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE gi.* FROM `ps_groupinc_configuration` gi  WHERE (date_from <= "2025-02-17 11:33:37" OR date_from = "0000-00-00 00:00:00") AND (date_to >= "2025-02-17 11:33:37" OR date_to = "0000-00-00 00:00:00") AND gi.`id_shop` = 1 AND gi.`active` = 1  AND (gi.groups = ""  OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.groups, ";", ",")) > 0) AND (gi.suppliers = "" ) AND (gi.currencies = "" OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.currencies, ";", ",")) > 0) AND (gi.languages = "" OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.languages, ";", ",")) > 0)
0.3 1 /modules/groupinc/classes/GroupincConfiguration.php:449
FROM `ps_product` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_lang` `b` ON a.`id_product` = b.`id_product` AND b.`id_lang` = 1
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_shop` `c` ON a.`id_product` = c.`id_product` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_product` = 29733) AND (b.`id_shop` = 1) LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /src/Adapter/EntityMapper.php:75
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE gi.* FROM `ps_groupinc_configuration` gi  WHERE (date_from <= "2025-02-17 11:33:37" OR date_from = "0000-00-00 00:00:00") AND (date_to >= "2025-02-17 11:33:37" OR date_to = "0000-00-00 00:00:00") AND gi.`id_shop` = 1 AND gi.`active` = 1  AND (gi.groups = ""  OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.groups, ";", ",")) > 0) AND (gi.suppliers = "" ) AND (gi.currencies = "" OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.currencies, ";", ",")) > 0) AND (gi.languages = "" OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.languages, ";", ",")) > 0)
0.3 1 /modules/groupinc/classes/GroupincConfiguration.php:449
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE gi.* FROM `ps_groupinc_configuration` gi  WHERE (date_from <= "2025-02-17 11:33:37" OR date_from = "0000-00-00 00:00:00") AND (date_to >= "2025-02-17 11:33:37" OR date_to = "0000-00-00 00:00:00") AND gi.`id_shop` = 1 AND gi.`active` = 1  AND (gi.groups = ""  OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.groups, ";", ",")) > 0) AND (gi.suppliers = "" ) AND (gi.currencies = "" OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.currencies, ";", ",")) > 0) AND (gi.languages = "" OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.languages, ";", ",")) > 0)
0.3 1 /modules/groupinc/classes/GroupincConfiguration.php:449
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE gi.* FROM `ps_groupinc_configuration` gi  WHERE (date_from <= "2025-02-17 11:33:37" OR date_from = "0000-00-00 00:00:00") AND (date_to >= "2025-02-17 11:33:37" OR date_to = "0000-00-00 00:00:00") AND gi.`id_shop` = 1 AND gi.`active` = 1  AND (gi.groups = ""  OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.groups, ";", ",")) > 0) AND (gi.suppliers = "" ) AND (gi.currencies = "" OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.currencies, ";", ",")) > 0) AND (gi.languages = "" OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.languages, ";", ",")) > 0)
0.3 1 /modules/groupinc/classes/GroupincConfiguration.php:449
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE m.`id_module`, m.`name`, ms.`id_module`as `mshop`
FROM `ps_module` m
LEFT JOIN `ps_module_shop` ms
ON m.`id_module` = ms.`id_module`
AND ms.`id_shop` = 1
0.3 121 /classes/module/Module.php:307
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE gi.* FROM `ps_groupinc_configuration` gi  WHERE (date_from <= "2025-02-17 11:33:37" OR date_from = "0000-00-00 00:00:00") AND (date_to >= "2025-02-17 11:33:37" OR date_to = "0000-00-00 00:00:00") AND gi.`id_shop` = 1 AND gi.`active` = 1  AND (gi.groups = ""  OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.groups, ";", ",")) > 0) AND (gi.suppliers = "" ) AND (gi.currencies = "" OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.currencies, ";", ",")) > 0) AND (gi.languages = "" OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.languages, ";", ",")) > 0)
0.3 1 /modules/groupinc/classes/GroupincConfiguration.php:449
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE gi.* FROM `ps_groupinc_configuration` gi  WHERE (date_from <= "2025-02-17 11:33:37" OR date_from = "0000-00-00 00:00:00") AND (date_to >= "2025-02-17 11:33:37" OR date_to = "0000-00-00 00:00:00") AND gi.`id_shop` = 1 AND gi.`active` = 1  AND (gi.groups = ""  OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.groups, ";", ",")) > 0) AND (gi.suppliers = "" ) AND (gi.currencies = "" OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.currencies, ";", ",")) > 0) AND (gi.languages = "" OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.languages, ";", ",")) > 0)
0.3 1 /modules/groupinc/classes/GroupincConfiguration.php:449
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE gi.* FROM `ps_groupinc_configuration` gi  WHERE (date_from <= "2025-02-17 11:33:37" OR date_from = "0000-00-00 00:00:00") AND (date_to >= "2025-02-17 11:33:37" OR date_to = "0000-00-00 00:00:00") AND gi.`id_shop` = 1 AND gi.`active` = 1  AND (gi.groups = ""  OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.groups, ";", ",")) > 0) AND (gi.suppliers = "" ) AND (gi.currencies = "" OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.currencies, ";", ",")) > 0) AND (gi.languages = "" OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.languages, ";", ",")) > 0)
0.3 1 /modules/groupinc/classes/GroupincConfiguration.php:449
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE gi.* FROM `ps_groupinc_configuration` gi  WHERE (date_from <= "2025-02-17 11:33:37" OR date_from = "0000-00-00 00:00:00") AND (date_to >= "2025-02-17 11:33:37" OR date_to = "0000-00-00 00:00:00") AND gi.`id_shop` = 1 AND gi.`active` = 1  AND (gi.groups = ""  OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.groups, ";", ",")) > 0) AND (gi.suppliers = "" ) AND (gi.currencies = "" OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.currencies, ";", ",")) > 0) AND (gi.languages = "" OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.languages, ";", ",")) > 0)
0.3 1 /modules/groupinc/classes/GroupincConfiguration.php:449
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE gi.* FROM `ps_groupinc_configuration` gi  WHERE (date_from <= "2025-02-17 11:33:37" OR date_from = "0000-00-00 00:00:00") AND (date_to >= "2025-02-17 11:33:37" OR date_to = "0000-00-00 00:00:00") AND gi.`id_shop` = 1 AND gi.`active` = 1  AND (gi.groups = ""  OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.groups, ";", ",")) > 0) AND (gi.suppliers = "" ) AND (gi.currencies = "" OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.currencies, ";", ",")) > 0) AND (gi.languages = "" OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.languages, ";", ",")) > 0)
0.3 1 /modules/groupinc/classes/GroupincConfiguration.php:449
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE gi.* FROM `ps_groupinc_configuration` gi  WHERE (date_from <= "2025-02-17 11:33:37" OR date_from = "0000-00-00 00:00:00") AND (date_to >= "2025-02-17 11:33:37" OR date_to = "0000-00-00 00:00:00") AND gi.`id_shop` = 1 AND gi.`active` = 1  AND (gi.groups = ""  OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.groups, ";", ",")) > 0) AND (gi.suppliers = "" ) AND (gi.currencies = "" OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.currencies, ";", ",")) > 0) AND (gi.languages = "" OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.languages, ";", ",")) > 0)
0.3 1 /modules/groupinc/classes/GroupincConfiguration.php:449
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE gi.* FROM `ps_groupinc_configuration` gi  WHERE (date_from <= "2025-02-17 11:33:37" OR date_from = "0000-00-00 00:00:00") AND (date_to >= "2025-02-17 11:33:37" OR date_to = "0000-00-00 00:00:00") AND gi.`id_shop` = 1 AND gi.`active` = 1  AND (gi.groups = ""  OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.groups, ";", ",")) > 0) AND (gi.suppliers = "" ) AND (gi.currencies = "" OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.currencies, ";", ",")) > 0) AND (gi.languages = "" OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.languages, ";", ",")) > 0)
0.3 1 /modules/groupinc/classes/GroupincConfiguration.php:449
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE m.`id_module`, m.`name`, ms.`id_module`as `mshop`
FROM `ps_module` m
LEFT JOIN `ps_module_shop` ms
ON m.`id_module` = ms.`id_module`
AND ms.`id_shop` = 1
0.3 121 /classes/module/Module.php:307
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE gi.* FROM `ps_groupinc_configuration` gi  WHERE (date_from <= "2025-02-17 11:33:37" OR date_from = "0000-00-00 00:00:00") AND (date_to >= "2025-02-17 11:33:37" OR date_to = "0000-00-00 00:00:00") AND gi.`id_shop` = 1 AND gi.`active` = 1  AND (gi.groups = ""  OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.groups, ";", ",")) > 0) AND (gi.suppliers = "" ) AND (gi.currencies = "" OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.currencies, ";", ",")) > 0) AND (gi.languages = "" OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.languages, ";", ",")) > 0)
0.3 1 /modules/groupinc/classes/GroupincConfiguration.php:449
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE gi.* FROM `ps_groupinc_configuration` gi  WHERE (date_from <= "2025-02-17 11:33:37" OR date_from = "0000-00-00 00:00:00") AND (date_to >= "2025-02-17 11:33:37" OR date_to = "0000-00-00 00:00:00") AND gi.`id_shop` = 1 AND gi.`active` = 1  AND (gi.groups = ""  OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.groups, ";", ",")) > 0) AND (gi.suppliers = "" ) AND (gi.currencies = "" OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.currencies, ";", ",")) > 0) AND (gi.languages = "" OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.languages, ";", ",")) > 0)
0.3 1 /modules/groupinc/classes/GroupincConfiguration.php:449
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE gi.* FROM `ps_groupinc_configuration` gi  WHERE (date_from <= "2025-02-17 11:33:37" OR date_from = "0000-00-00 00:00:00") AND (date_to >= "2025-02-17 11:33:37" OR date_to = "0000-00-00 00:00:00") AND gi.`id_shop` = 1 AND gi.`active` = 1  AND (gi.groups = ""  OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.groups, ";", ",")) > 0) AND (gi.suppliers = "" ) AND (gi.currencies = "" OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.currencies, ";", ",")) > 0) AND (gi.languages = "" OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.languages, ";", ",")) > 0)
0.3 1 /modules/groupinc/classes/GroupincConfiguration.php:449
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE gi.* FROM `ps_groupinc_configuration` gi  WHERE (date_from <= "2025-02-17 11:33:37" OR date_from = "0000-00-00 00:00:00") AND (date_to >= "2025-02-17 11:33:37" OR date_to = "0000-00-00 00:00:00") AND gi.`id_shop` = 1 AND gi.`active` = 1  AND (gi.groups = ""  OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.groups, ";", ",")) > 0) AND (gi.suppliers = "" ) AND (gi.currencies = "" OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.currencies, ";", ",")) > 0) AND (gi.languages = "" OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.languages, ";", ",")) > 0)
0.3 1 /modules/groupinc/classes/GroupincConfiguration.php:449
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE gi.* FROM `ps_groupinc_configuration` gi  WHERE (date_from <= "2025-02-17 11:33:37" OR date_from = "0000-00-00 00:00:00") AND (date_to >= "2025-02-17 11:33:37" OR date_to = "0000-00-00 00:00:00") AND gi.`id_shop` = 1 AND gi.`active` = 1  AND (gi.groups = ""  OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.groups, ";", ",")) > 0) AND (gi.suppliers = "" ) AND (gi.currencies = "" OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.currencies, ";", ",")) > 0) AND (gi.languages = "" OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.languages, ";", ",")) > 0)
0.3 1 /modules/groupinc/classes/GroupincConfiguration.php:449
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE s.id_shop, CONCAT(su.physical_uri, su.virtual_uri) AS uri, su.domain, su.main
FROM ps_shop_url su
LEFT JOIN ps_shop s ON (s.id_shop = su.id_shop)
WHERE (su.domain = '' OR su.domain_ssl = '')
AND = 1
AND s.deleted = 0
ORDER BY LENGTH(CONCAT(su.physical_uri, su.virtual_uri)) DESC
0.3 1 Yes /classes/shop/Shop.php:345
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE, ml.url_rewrite, ml.id_lang
FROM `ps_meta` m
LEFT JOIN `ps_meta_lang` ml ON (m.id_meta = ml.id_meta AND ml.id_shop = 1 )
ORDER BY LENGTH(ml.url_rewrite) DESC
0.3 57 Yes /classes/Dispatcher.php:640
IFNULL(sa.quantity, 0) as quantity,
'2025-02-17 00:00:00',
) > 0) as new
FROM ps_product p
LEFT JOIN ps_product_lang pl
ON pl.id_product = p.id_product
AND pl.id_shop = 1
AND pl.id_lang = 1
LEFT JOIN ps_stock_available sa
ON sa.id_product = p.id_product 
AND sa.id_shop = 1
WHERE p.id_product = 13264
0.3 1 /classes/ProductAssembler.php:90
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE pa.`id_product`, a.`color`, pac.`id_product_attribute`, 0 qty, a.`id_attribute`, al.`name`, IF(color = "", a.id_attribute, color) group_by
FROM `ps_product_attribute` pa
INNER JOIN ps_product_attribute_shop product_attribute_shop
ON (product_attribute_shop.id_product_attribute = pa.id_product_attribute AND product_attribute_shop.id_shop = 1)
JOIN `ps_product_attribute_combination` pac ON (pac.`id_product_attribute` = product_attribute_shop.`id_product_attribute`)
JOIN `ps_attribute` a ON (a.`id_attribute` = pac.`id_attribute`)
JOIN `ps_attribute_lang` al ON (a.`id_attribute` = al.`id_attribute` AND al.`id_lang` = 1)
JOIN `ps_attribute_group` ag ON (a.id_attribute_group = ag.`id_attribute_group`)
WHERE pa.`id_product` IN (20589) AND ag.`is_color_group` = 1
GROUP BY pa.`id_product`, a.`id_attribute`, `group_by`
ORDER BY a.`position` ASC;
0.3 1 Yes Yes /classes/Product.php:3887
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE DISTINCT a.`id_attribute`, a.`id_attribute_group`, al.`name` as `attribute`, agl.`name` as `group`,pa.`reference`, pa.`ean13`, pa.`isbn`,pa.`upc`
FROM `ps_attribute` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_attribute_lang` al
ON (a.`id_attribute` = al.`id_attribute` AND al.`id_lang` = 1)
LEFT JOIN `ps_attribute_group_lang` agl
ON (a.`id_attribute_group` = agl.`id_attribute_group` AND agl.`id_lang` = 1)
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_attribute_combination` pac
ON (a.`id_attribute` = pac.`id_attribute`)
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_attribute` pa
ON (pac.`id_product_attribute` = pa.`id_product_attribute`)
INNER JOIN ps_product_attribute_shop product_attribute_shop
ON (product_attribute_shop.id_product_attribute = pa.id_product_attribute AND product_attribute_shop.id_shop = 1)
INNER JOIN ps_attribute_shop attribute_shop
ON (attribute_shop.id_attribute = pac.id_attribute AND attribute_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE pa.`id_product` = 7294
0.3 1 /classes/Product.php:6285
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE pa.`id_product`, a.`color`, pac.`id_product_attribute`, 0 qty, a.`id_attribute`, al.`name`, IF(color = "", a.id_attribute, color) group_by
FROM `ps_product_attribute` pa
INNER JOIN ps_product_attribute_shop product_attribute_shop
ON (product_attribute_shop.id_product_attribute = pa.id_product_attribute AND product_attribute_shop.id_shop = 1)
JOIN `ps_product_attribute_combination` pac ON (pac.`id_product_attribute` = product_attribute_shop.`id_product_attribute`)
JOIN `ps_attribute` a ON (a.`id_attribute` = pac.`id_attribute`)
JOIN `ps_attribute_lang` al ON (a.`id_attribute` = al.`id_attribute` AND al.`id_lang` = 1)
JOIN `ps_attribute_group` ag ON (a.id_attribute_group = ag.`id_attribute_group`)
WHERE pa.`id_product` IN (7898) AND ag.`is_color_group` = 1
GROUP BY pa.`id_product`, a.`id_attribute`, `group_by`
ORDER BY a.`position` ASC;
0.3 1 Yes Yes /classes/Product.php:3887
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE pa.`id_product`, a.`color`, pac.`id_product_attribute`, 0 qty, a.`id_attribute`, al.`name`, IF(color = "", a.id_attribute, color) group_by
FROM `ps_product_attribute` pa
INNER JOIN ps_product_attribute_shop product_attribute_shop
ON (product_attribute_shop.id_product_attribute = pa.id_product_attribute AND product_attribute_shop.id_shop = 1)
JOIN `ps_product_attribute_combination` pac ON (pac.`id_product_attribute` = product_attribute_shop.`id_product_attribute`)
JOIN `ps_attribute` a ON (a.`id_attribute` = pac.`id_attribute`)
JOIN `ps_attribute_lang` al ON (a.`id_attribute` = al.`id_attribute` AND al.`id_lang` = 1)
JOIN `ps_attribute_group` ag ON (a.id_attribute_group = ag.`id_attribute_group`)
WHERE pa.`id_product` IN (30062) AND ag.`is_color_group` = 1
GROUP BY pa.`id_product`, a.`id_attribute`, `group_by`
ORDER BY a.`position` ASC;
0.3 1 Yes Yes /classes/Product.php:3887
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE pa.`id_product`, a.`color`, pac.`id_product_attribute`, 0 qty, a.`id_attribute`, al.`name`, IF(color = "", a.id_attribute, color) group_by
FROM `ps_product_attribute` pa
INNER JOIN ps_product_attribute_shop product_attribute_shop
ON (product_attribute_shop.id_product_attribute = pa.id_product_attribute AND product_attribute_shop.id_shop = 1)
JOIN `ps_product_attribute_combination` pac ON (pac.`id_product_attribute` = product_attribute_shop.`id_product_attribute`)
JOIN `ps_attribute` a ON (a.`id_attribute` = pac.`id_attribute`)
JOIN `ps_attribute_lang` al ON (a.`id_attribute` = al.`id_attribute` AND al.`id_lang` = 1)
JOIN `ps_attribute_group` ag ON (a.id_attribute_group = ag.`id_attribute_group`)
WHERE pa.`id_product` IN (13188) AND ag.`is_color_group` = 1
GROUP BY pa.`id_product`, a.`id_attribute`, `group_by`
ORDER BY a.`position` ASC;
0.3 1 Yes Yes /classes/Product.php:3887
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE gi.* FROM `ps_groupinc_configuration` gi  WHERE (date_from <= "2025-02-17 11:33:37" OR date_from = "0000-00-00 00:00:00") AND (date_to >= "2025-02-17 11:33:37" OR date_to = "0000-00-00 00:00:00") AND gi.`id_shop` = 1 AND gi.`active` = 1  AND (gi.groups = ""  OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.groups, ";", ",")) > 0) AND (gi.suppliers = "" ) AND (gi.currencies = "" OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.currencies, ";", ",")) > 0) AND (gi.languages = "" OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.languages, ";", ",")) > 0)
0.3 1 /modules/groupinc/classes/GroupincConfiguration.php:449
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE gi.* FROM `ps_groupinc_configuration` gi  WHERE (date_from <= "2025-02-17 11:33:37" OR date_from = "0000-00-00 00:00:00") AND (date_to >= "2025-02-17 11:33:37" OR date_to = "0000-00-00 00:00:00") AND gi.`id_shop` = 1 AND gi.`active` = 1  AND (gi.groups = ""  OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.groups, ";", ",")) > 0) AND (gi.suppliers = "" ) AND (gi.currencies = "" OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.currencies, ";", ",")) > 0) AND (gi.languages = "" OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.languages, ";", ",")) > 0)
0.3 1 /modules/groupinc/classes/GroupincConfiguration.php:449
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE module FROM ps_idxcookies WHERE 1  AND (id_cookie_type > 0 AND id_cookie_type NOT IN (select id_cookie_type FROM ps_idxcookies_type WHERE imperative = 1)) AND module IS NOT null AND module != '' GROUP BY module
0.3 52 Yes Yes /modules/idxcookies/classes/module/Functions.php:509
FROM `ps_product` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_lang` `b` ON a.`id_product` = b.`id_product` AND b.`id_lang` = 1
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_shop` `c` ON a.`id_product` = c.`id_product` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_product` = 13188) AND (b.`id_shop` = 1) LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /src/Adapter/EntityMapper.php:75
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE DISTINCT a.`id_attribute`, a.`id_attribute_group`, al.`name` as `attribute`, agl.`name` as `group`,pa.`reference`, pa.`ean13`, pa.`isbn`,pa.`upc`
FROM `ps_attribute` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_attribute_lang` al
ON (a.`id_attribute` = al.`id_attribute` AND al.`id_lang` = 1)
LEFT JOIN `ps_attribute_group_lang` agl
ON (a.`id_attribute_group` = agl.`id_attribute_group` AND agl.`id_lang` = 1)
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_attribute_combination` pac
ON (a.`id_attribute` = pac.`id_attribute`)
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_attribute` pa
ON (pac.`id_product_attribute` = pa.`id_product_attribute`)
INNER JOIN ps_product_attribute_shop product_attribute_shop
ON (product_attribute_shop.id_product_attribute = pa.id_product_attribute AND product_attribute_shop.id_shop = 1)
INNER JOIN ps_attribute_shop attribute_shop
ON (attribute_shop.id_attribute = pac.id_attribute AND attribute_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE pa.`id_product` = 7294
0.3 1 /classes/Product.php:6285
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE pa.`id_product`, a.`color`, pac.`id_product_attribute`, 0 qty, a.`id_attribute`, al.`name`, IF(color = "", a.id_attribute, color) group_by
FROM `ps_product_attribute` pa
INNER JOIN ps_product_attribute_shop product_attribute_shop
ON (product_attribute_shop.id_product_attribute = pa.id_product_attribute AND product_attribute_shop.id_shop = 1)
JOIN `ps_product_attribute_combination` pac ON (pac.`id_product_attribute` = product_attribute_shop.`id_product_attribute`)
JOIN `ps_attribute` a ON (a.`id_attribute` = pac.`id_attribute`)
JOIN `ps_attribute_lang` al ON (a.`id_attribute` = al.`id_attribute` AND al.`id_lang` = 1)
JOIN `ps_attribute_group` ag ON (a.id_attribute_group = ag.`id_attribute_group`)
WHERE pa.`id_product` IN (32368) AND ag.`is_color_group` = 1
GROUP BY pa.`id_product`, a.`id_attribute`, `group_by`
ORDER BY a.`position` ASC;
0.3 1 Yes Yes /classes/Product.php:3887
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE pa.`id_product`, a.`color`, pac.`id_product_attribute`, 0 qty, a.`id_attribute`, al.`name`, IF(color = "", a.id_attribute, color) group_by
FROM `ps_product_attribute` pa
INNER JOIN ps_product_attribute_shop product_attribute_shop
ON (product_attribute_shop.id_product_attribute = pa.id_product_attribute AND product_attribute_shop.id_shop = 1)
JOIN `ps_product_attribute_combination` pac ON (pac.`id_product_attribute` = product_attribute_shop.`id_product_attribute`)
JOIN `ps_attribute` a ON (a.`id_attribute` = pac.`id_attribute`)
JOIN `ps_attribute_lang` al ON (a.`id_attribute` = al.`id_attribute` AND al.`id_lang` = 1)
JOIN `ps_attribute_group` ag ON (a.id_attribute_group = ag.`id_attribute_group`)
WHERE pa.`id_product` IN (17333) AND ag.`is_color_group` = 1
GROUP BY pa.`id_product`, a.`id_attribute`, `group_by`
ORDER BY a.`position` ASC;
0.3 1 Yes Yes /classes/Product.php:3887
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE pa.`id_product`, a.`color`, pac.`id_product_attribute`, 0 qty, a.`id_attribute`, al.`name`, IF(color = "", a.id_attribute, color) group_by
FROM `ps_product_attribute` pa
INNER JOIN ps_product_attribute_shop product_attribute_shop
ON (product_attribute_shop.id_product_attribute = pa.id_product_attribute AND product_attribute_shop.id_shop = 1)
JOIN `ps_product_attribute_combination` pac ON (pac.`id_product_attribute` = product_attribute_shop.`id_product_attribute`)
JOIN `ps_attribute` a ON (a.`id_attribute` = pac.`id_attribute`)
JOIN `ps_attribute_lang` al ON (a.`id_attribute` = al.`id_attribute` AND al.`id_lang` = 1)
JOIN `ps_attribute_group` ag ON (a.id_attribute_group = ag.`id_attribute_group`)
WHERE pa.`id_product` IN (29912) AND ag.`is_color_group` = 1
GROUP BY pa.`id_product`, a.`id_attribute`, `group_by`
ORDER BY a.`position` ASC;
0.3 1 Yes Yes /classes/Product.php:3887
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE pa.`id_product`, a.`color`, pac.`id_product_attribute`, 0 qty, a.`id_attribute`, al.`name`, IF(color = "", a.id_attribute, color) group_by
FROM `ps_product_attribute` pa
INNER JOIN ps_product_attribute_shop product_attribute_shop
ON (product_attribute_shop.id_product_attribute = pa.id_product_attribute AND product_attribute_shop.id_shop = 1)
JOIN `ps_product_attribute_combination` pac ON (pac.`id_product_attribute` = product_attribute_shop.`id_product_attribute`)
JOIN `ps_attribute` a ON (a.`id_attribute` = pac.`id_attribute`)
JOIN `ps_attribute_lang` al ON (a.`id_attribute` = al.`id_attribute` AND al.`id_lang` = 1)
JOIN `ps_attribute_group` ag ON (a.id_attribute_group = ag.`id_attribute_group`)
WHERE pa.`id_product` IN (6753) AND ag.`is_color_group` = 1
GROUP BY pa.`id_product`, a.`id_attribute`, `group_by`
ORDER BY a.`position` ASC;
0.3 1 Yes Yes /classes/Product.php:3887
(SELECT 1 FROM `ps_cart_rule` WHERE date_to >= "2025-02-17 00:00:00" AND date_to <= "2025-02-17 23:59:59" AND `id_customer` IN (0,0) LIMIT 1)UNION ALL (SELECT 1 FROM `ps_cart_rule` WHERE date_from >= "2025-02-17 00:00:00" AND date_from <= "2025-02-17 23:59:59" AND `id_customer` IN (0,0) LIMIT 1)UNION ALL (SELECT 1 FROM `ps_cart_rule` WHERE date_from < "2025-02-17 00:00:00" AND date_to > "2025-02-17 23:59:59" AND `id_customer` IN (0,0) LIMIT 1) LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /classes/CartRule.php:342
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE pa.`id_product`, a.`color`, pac.`id_product_attribute`, 0 qty, a.`id_attribute`, al.`name`, IF(color = "", a.id_attribute, color) group_by
FROM `ps_product_attribute` pa
INNER JOIN ps_product_attribute_shop product_attribute_shop
ON (product_attribute_shop.id_product_attribute = pa.id_product_attribute AND product_attribute_shop.id_shop = 1)
JOIN `ps_product_attribute_combination` pac ON (pac.`id_product_attribute` = product_attribute_shop.`id_product_attribute`)
JOIN `ps_attribute` a ON (a.`id_attribute` = pac.`id_attribute`)
JOIN `ps_attribute_lang` al ON (a.`id_attribute` = al.`id_attribute` AND al.`id_lang` = 1)
JOIN `ps_attribute_group` ag ON (a.id_attribute_group = ag.`id_attribute_group`)
WHERE pa.`id_product` IN (13264) AND ag.`is_color_group` = 1
GROUP BY pa.`id_product`, a.`id_attribute`, `group_by`
ORDER BY a.`position` ASC;
0.3 1 Yes Yes /classes/Product.php:3887
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE c.`id_category`, cl.`name`, cl.`link_rewrite`, category_shop.`id_shop`
FROM `ps_category` c
LEFT JOIN `ps_category_lang` cl ON (c.`id_category` = cl.`id_category` AND cl.id_shop = 1 )
INNER JOIN ps_category_shop category_shop
ON (category_shop.id_category = c.id_category AND category_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE `id_lang` = 1
AND c.`id_parent` = 2
AND `active` = 1
GROUP BY c.`id_category`
ORDER BY category_shop.`position` ASC
0.3 15 Yes Yes /classes/Category.php:1135
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE gs.*, s.*, AS group_name, AS shop_name,, su.domain, su.domain_ssl, su.physical_uri, su.virtual_uri
FROM ps_shop_group gs
LEFT JOIN ps_shop s
ON s.id_shop_group = gs.id_shop_group
LEFT JOIN ps_shop_url su
ON s.id_shop = su.id_shop AND su.main = 1
WHERE s.deleted = 0
AND gs.deleted = 0
0.3 1 Yes /classes/shop/Shop.php:705
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE gi.* FROM `ps_groupinc_configuration` gi  WHERE (date_from <= "2025-02-17 11:33:37" OR date_from = "0000-00-00 00:00:00") AND (date_to >= "2025-02-17 11:33:37" OR date_to = "0000-00-00 00:00:00") AND gi.`id_shop` = 1 AND gi.`active` = 1  AND (gi.groups = ""  OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.groups, ";", ",")) > 0) AND (gi.suppliers = "" ) AND (gi.currencies = "" OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.currencies, ";", ",")) > 0) AND (gi.languages = "" OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.languages, ";", ",")) > 0)
0.3 1 /modules/groupinc/classes/GroupincConfiguration.php:449
FROM `ps_product` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_lang` `b` ON a.`id_product` = b.`id_product` AND b.`id_lang` = 1
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_shop` `c` ON a.`id_product` = c.`id_product` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_product` = 8531) AND (b.`id_shop` = 1) LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /src/Adapter/EntityMapper.php:75
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE gi.* FROM `ps_groupinc_configuration` gi  WHERE (date_from <= "2025-02-17 11:33:37" OR date_from = "0000-00-00 00:00:00") AND (date_to >= "2025-02-17 11:33:37" OR date_to = "0000-00-00 00:00:00") AND gi.`id_shop` = 1 AND gi.`active` = 1  AND (gi.groups = ""  OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.groups, ";", ",")) > 0) AND (gi.suppliers = "" ) AND (gi.currencies = "" OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.currencies, ";", ",")) > 0) AND (gi.languages = "" OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.languages, ";", ",")) > 0)
0.3 1 /modules/groupinc/classes/GroupincConfiguration.php:449
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE COALESCE(SUM(first_level_quantity) + SUM(pack_quantity), 0) as deep_quantity,
COALESCE(SUM(first_level_quantity), 0) as quantity
FROM (SELECT cp.`quantity` as first_level_quantity, 0 as pack_quantity
FROM `ps_cart_product` cp
WHERE cp.`id_product_attribute` = 0
AND cp.`id_customization` = 0
AND cp.`id_cart` = 0 AND cp.`id_product` = 32368 UNION SELECT 0 as first_level_quantity, cp.`quantity` * p.`quantity` as pack_quantity
FROM `ps_cart_product` cp JOIN `ps_pack` p ON cp.`id_product` = p.`id_product_pack` JOIN `ps_product` pr ON p.`id_product_pack` = pr.`id_product`
WHERE cp.`id_product_attribute` = 0
AND cp.`id_customization` = 0
AND cp.`id_cart` = 0 AND p.`id_product_item` = 32368 AND (pr.`pack_stock_type` IN (1,2) OR (
pr.`pack_stock_type` = 3
AND 0 = 1
))) as q LIMIT 1
0.3 0 /classes/Cart.php:1238
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE gi.* FROM `ps_groupinc_configuration` gi  WHERE (date_from <= "2025-02-17 11:33:37" OR date_from = "0000-00-00 00:00:00") AND (date_to >= "2025-02-17 11:33:37" OR date_to = "0000-00-00 00:00:00") AND gi.`id_shop` = 1 AND gi.`active` = 1  AND (gi.groups = ""  OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.groups, ";", ",")) > 0) AND (gi.suppliers = "" ) AND (gi.currencies = "" OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.currencies, ";", ",")) > 0) AND (gi.languages = "" OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.languages, ";", ",")) > 0)
0.3 1 /modules/groupinc/classes/GroupincConfiguration.php:449
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE gi.* FROM `ps_groupinc_configuration` gi  WHERE (date_from <= "2025-02-17 11:33:37" OR date_from = "0000-00-00 00:00:00") AND (date_to >= "2025-02-17 11:33:37" OR date_to = "0000-00-00 00:00:00") AND gi.`id_shop` = 1 AND gi.`active` = 1  AND product_qty > 1  AND (gi.groups = ""  OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.groups, ";", ",")) > 0) AND (gi.suppliers = "" ) AND (gi.currencies = "" OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.currencies, ";", ",")) > 0) AND (gi.languages = "" OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.languages, ";", ",")) > 0)
0.3 1 /modules/groupinc/classes/GroupincConfiguration.php:449
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE gi.* FROM `ps_groupinc_configuration` gi  WHERE (date_from <= "2025-02-17 11:33:37" OR date_from = "0000-00-00 00:00:00") AND (date_to >= "2025-02-17 11:33:37" OR date_to = "0000-00-00 00:00:00") AND gi.`id_shop` = 1 AND gi.`active` = 1  AND (gi.groups = ""  OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.groups, ";", ",")) > 0) AND (gi.suppliers = "" ) AND (gi.currencies = "" OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.currencies, ";", ",")) > 0) AND (gi.languages = "" OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.languages, ";", ",")) > 0)
0.3 1 /modules/groupinc/classes/GroupincConfiguration.php:449
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE COALESCE(SUM(first_level_quantity) + SUM(pack_quantity), 0) as deep_quantity,
COALESCE(SUM(first_level_quantity), 0) as quantity
FROM (SELECT cp.`quantity` as first_level_quantity, 0 as pack_quantity
FROM `ps_cart_product` cp
WHERE cp.`id_product_attribute` = 0
AND cp.`id_customization` = 0
AND cp.`id_cart` = 0 AND cp.`id_product` = 17750 UNION SELECT 0 as first_level_quantity, cp.`quantity` * p.`quantity` as pack_quantity
FROM `ps_cart_product` cp JOIN `ps_pack` p ON cp.`id_product` = p.`id_product_pack` JOIN `ps_product` pr ON p.`id_product_pack` = pr.`id_product`
WHERE cp.`id_product_attribute` = 0
AND cp.`id_customization` = 0
AND cp.`id_cart` = 0 AND p.`id_product_item` = 17750 AND (pr.`pack_stock_type` IN (1,2) OR (
pr.`pack_stock_type` = 3
AND 0 = 1
))) as q LIMIT 1
0.3 0 /classes/Cart.php:1238
FROM `ps_product` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_lang` `b` ON a.`id_product` = b.`id_product` AND b.`id_lang` = 1
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_shop` `c` ON a.`id_product` = c.`id_product` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_product` = 29912) AND (b.`id_shop` = 1) LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /src/Adapter/EntityMapper.php:75
FROM `ps_product` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_lang` `b` ON a.`id_product` = b.`id_product` AND b.`id_lang` = 1
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_shop` `c` ON a.`id_product` = c.`id_product` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_product` = 6753) AND (b.`id_shop` = 1) LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /src/Adapter/EntityMapper.php:75
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE DISTINCT `id_product` FROM `ps_specific_price` WHERE `id_product` != 0
0.3 86 /classes/SpecificPrice.php:291
FROM `ps_product` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_lang` `b` ON a.`id_product` = b.`id_product` AND b.`id_lang` = 1
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_shop` `c` ON a.`id_product` = c.`id_product` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_product` = 17453) AND (b.`id_shop` = 1) LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /src/Adapter/EntityMapper.php:75
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE gi.* FROM `ps_groupinc_configuration` gi  WHERE (date_from <= "2025-02-17 11:33:37" OR date_from = "0000-00-00 00:00:00") AND (date_to >= "2025-02-17 11:33:37" OR date_to = "0000-00-00 00:00:00") AND gi.`id_shop` = 1 AND gi.`active` = 1  AND (gi.groups = ""  OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.groups, ";", ",")) > 0) AND (gi.suppliers = "" ) AND (gi.currencies = "" OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.currencies, ";", ",")) > 0) AND (gi.languages = "" OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.languages, ";", ",")) > 0)
0.3 1 /modules/groupinc/classes/GroupincConfiguration.php:449
FROM `ps_product` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_lang` `b` ON a.`id_product` = b.`id_product` AND b.`id_lang` = 1
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_shop` `c` ON a.`id_product` = c.`id_product` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_product` = 32368) AND (b.`id_shop` = 1) LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /src/Adapter/EntityMapper.php:75
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE gi.* FROM `ps_groupinc_configuration` gi  WHERE (date_from <= "2025-02-17 11:33:37" OR date_from = "0000-00-00 00:00:00") AND (date_to >= "2025-02-17 11:33:37" OR date_to = "0000-00-00 00:00:00") AND gi.`id_shop` = 1 AND gi.`active` = 1  AND (gi.groups = ""  OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.groups, ";", ",")) > 0) AND (gi.suppliers = "" ) AND (gi.currencies = "" OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.currencies, ";", ",")) > 0) AND (gi.languages = "" OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.languages, ";", ",")) > 0)
0.3 1 /modules/groupinc/classes/GroupincConfiguration.php:449
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE gi.* FROM `ps_groupinc_configuration` gi  WHERE (date_from <= "2025-02-17 11:33:37" OR date_from = "0000-00-00 00:00:00") AND (date_to >= "2025-02-17 11:33:37" OR date_to = "0000-00-00 00:00:00") AND gi.`id_shop` = 1 AND gi.`active` = 1  AND (gi.groups = ""  OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.groups, ";", ",")) > 0) AND (gi.suppliers = "" ) AND (gi.currencies = "" OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.currencies, ";", ",")) > 0) AND (gi.languages = "" OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.languages, ";", ",")) > 0)
0.3 1 /modules/groupinc/classes/GroupincConfiguration.php:449
IFNULL(sa.quantity, 0) as quantity,
'2025-02-17 00:00:00',
) > 0) as new
FROM ps_product p
LEFT JOIN ps_product_lang pl
ON pl.id_product = p.id_product
AND pl.id_shop = 1
AND pl.id_lang = 1
LEFT JOIN ps_stock_available sa
ON sa.id_product = p.id_product 
AND sa.id_shop = 1
WHERE p.id_product = 17260
0.3 1 /classes/ProductAssembler.php:90
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE pa.`id_product`, a.`color`, pac.`id_product_attribute`, 0 qty, a.`id_attribute`, al.`name`, IF(color = "", a.id_attribute, color) group_by
FROM `ps_product_attribute` pa
INNER JOIN ps_product_attribute_shop product_attribute_shop
ON (product_attribute_shop.id_product_attribute = pa.id_product_attribute AND product_attribute_shop.id_shop = 1)
JOIN `ps_product_attribute_combination` pac ON (pac.`id_product_attribute` = product_attribute_shop.`id_product_attribute`)
JOIN `ps_attribute` a ON (a.`id_attribute` = pac.`id_attribute`)
JOIN `ps_attribute_lang` al ON (a.`id_attribute` = al.`id_attribute` AND al.`id_lang` = 1)
JOIN `ps_attribute_group` ag ON (a.id_attribute_group = ag.`id_attribute_group`)
WHERE pa.`id_product` IN (17453) AND ag.`is_color_group` = 1
GROUP BY pa.`id_product`, a.`id_attribute`, `group_by`
ORDER BY a.`position` ASC;
0.3 1 Yes Yes /classes/Product.php:3887
FROM `ps_product` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_lang` `b` ON a.`id_product` = b.`id_product` AND b.`id_lang` = 1
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_shop` `c` ON a.`id_product` = c.`id_product` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_product` = 17333) AND (b.`id_shop` = 1) LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /src/Adapter/EntityMapper.php:75
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE gi.* FROM `ps_groupinc_configuration` gi  WHERE (date_from <= "2025-02-17 11:33:37" OR date_from = "0000-00-00 00:00:00") AND (date_to >= "2025-02-17 11:33:37" OR date_to = "0000-00-00 00:00:00") AND gi.`id_shop` = 1 AND gi.`active` = 1  AND (gi.groups = ""  OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.groups, ";", ",")) > 0) AND (gi.suppliers = "" ) AND (gi.currencies = "" OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.currencies, ";", ",")) > 0) AND (gi.languages = "" OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.languages, ";", ",")) > 0)
0.3 1 /modules/groupinc/classes/GroupincConfiguration.php:449
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE gi.* FROM `ps_groupinc_configuration` gi  WHERE (date_from <= "2025-02-17 11:33:37" OR date_from = "0000-00-00 00:00:00") AND (date_to >= "2025-02-17 11:33:37" OR date_to = "0000-00-00 00:00:00") AND gi.`id_shop` = 1 AND gi.`active` = 1  AND show_on_sale = 1  AND (gi.groups = ""  OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.groups, ";", ",")) > 0) AND (gi.suppliers = "" ) AND (gi.currencies = "" OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.currencies, ";", ",")) > 0) AND (gi.languages = "" OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.languages, ";", ",")) > 0)
0.3 1 /modules/groupinc/classes/GroupincConfiguration.php:449
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE gi.* FROM `ps_groupinc_configuration` gi  WHERE (date_from <= "2025-02-17 11:33:37" OR date_from = "0000-00-00 00:00:00") AND (date_to >= "2025-02-17 11:33:37" OR date_to = "0000-00-00 00:00:00") AND gi.`id_shop` = 1 AND gi.`active` = 1  AND (gi.groups = ""  OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.groups, ";", ",")) > 0) AND (gi.suppliers = "" ) AND (gi.currencies = "" OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.currencies, ";", ",")) > 0) AND (gi.languages = "" OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.languages, ";", ",")) > 0)
0.3 1 /modules/groupinc/classes/GroupincConfiguration.php:449
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE gi.* FROM `ps_groupinc_configuration` gi  WHERE (date_from <= "2025-02-17 11:33:37" OR date_from = "0000-00-00 00:00:00") AND (date_to >= "2025-02-17 11:33:37" OR date_to = "0000-00-00 00:00:00") AND gi.`id_shop` = 1 AND gi.`active` = 1  AND (gi.groups = ""  OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.groups, ";", ",")) > 0) AND (gi.suppliers = "" ) AND (gi.currencies = "" OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.currencies, ";", ",")) > 0) AND (gi.languages = "" OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.languages, ";", ",")) > 0)
0.3 1 /modules/groupinc/classes/GroupincConfiguration.php:449
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE gi.* FROM `ps_groupinc_configuration` gi  WHERE (date_from <= "2025-02-17 11:33:37" OR date_from = "0000-00-00 00:00:00") AND (date_to >= "2025-02-17 11:33:37" OR date_to = "0000-00-00 00:00:00") AND gi.`id_shop` = 1 AND gi.`active` = 1  AND (gi.groups = ""  OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.groups, ";", ",")) > 0) AND (gi.suppliers = "" ) AND (gi.currencies = "" OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.currencies, ";", ",")) > 0) AND (gi.languages = "" OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.languages, ";", ",")) > 0)
0.3 1 /modules/groupinc/classes/GroupincConfiguration.php:449
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE gi.* FROM `ps_groupinc_configuration` gi  WHERE (date_from <= "2025-02-17 11:33:37" OR date_from = "0000-00-00 00:00:00") AND (date_to >= "2025-02-17 11:33:37" OR date_to = "0000-00-00 00:00:00") AND gi.`id_shop` = 1 AND gi.`active` = 1  AND (gi.groups = ""  OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.groups, ";", ",")) > 0) AND (gi.suppliers = "" ) AND (gi.currencies = "" OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.currencies, ";", ",")) > 0) AND (gi.languages = "" OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.languages, ";", ",")) > 0)
0.3 1 /modules/groupinc/classes/GroupincConfiguration.php:449
FROM `ps_product` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_lang` `b` ON a.`id_product` = b.`id_product` AND b.`id_lang` = 1
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_shop` `c` ON a.`id_product` = c.`id_product` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_product` = 17260) AND (b.`id_shop` = 1) LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /src/Adapter/EntityMapper.php:75
FROM `ps_tax_rule` tr
JOIN `ps_tax_rules_group` trg ON (tr.`id_tax_rules_group` = trg.`id_tax_rules_group`)
WHERE trg.`active` = 1
AND tr.`id_country` = 6
AND tr.`id_tax_rules_group` = 11
AND tr.`id_state` IN (0, 335)
AND ('09006' BETWEEN tr.`zipcode_from` AND tr.`zipcode_to`
OR (tr.`zipcode_to` = 0 AND tr.`zipcode_from` IN(0, '09006')))
ORDER BY tr.`zipcode_from` DESC, tr.`zipcode_to` DESC, tr.`id_state` DESC, tr.`id_country` DESC
0.3 2 /classes/tax/TaxRulesTaxManager.php:108
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE gi.* FROM `ps_groupinc_configuration` gi  WHERE (date_from <= "2025-02-17 11:33:37" OR date_from = "0000-00-00 00:00:00") AND (date_to >= "2025-02-17 11:33:37" OR date_to = "0000-00-00 00:00:00") AND gi.`id_shop` = 1 AND gi.`active` = 1  AND (gi.groups = ""  OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.groups, ";", ",")) > 0) AND (gi.suppliers = "" ) AND (gi.currencies = "" OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.currencies, ";", ",")) > 0) AND (gi.languages = "" OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.languages, ";", ",")) > 0)
0.3 1 /modules/groupinc/classes/GroupincConfiguration.php:449
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE gi.* FROM `ps_groupinc_configuration` gi  WHERE (date_from <= "2025-02-17 11:33:37" OR date_from = "0000-00-00 00:00:00") AND (date_to >= "2025-02-17 11:33:37" OR date_to = "0000-00-00 00:00:00") AND gi.`id_shop` = 1 AND gi.`active` = 1  AND show_on_sale = 1  AND (gi.groups = ""  OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.groups, ";", ",")) > 0) AND (gi.suppliers = "" ) AND (gi.currencies = "" OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.currencies, ";", ",")) > 0) AND (gi.languages = "" OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.languages, ";", ",")) > 0)
0.3 1 /modules/groupinc/classes/GroupincConfiguration.php:449
IFNULL(sa.quantity, 0) as quantity,
'2025-02-17 00:00:00',
) > 0) as new
FROM ps_product p
LEFT JOIN ps_product_lang pl
ON pl.id_product = p.id_product
AND pl.id_shop = 1
AND pl.id_lang = 1
LEFT JOIN ps_stock_available sa
ON sa.id_product = p.id_product 
AND sa.id_shop = 1
WHERE p.id_product = 17333
0.3 1 /classes/ProductAssembler.php:90
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE gi.* FROM `ps_groupinc_configuration` gi  WHERE (date_from <= "2025-02-17 11:33:37" OR date_from = "0000-00-00 00:00:00") AND (date_to >= "2025-02-17 11:33:37" OR date_to = "0000-00-00 00:00:00") AND gi.`id_shop` = 1 AND gi.`active` = 1  AND (gi.groups = ""  OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.groups, ";", ",")) > 0) AND (gi.suppliers = "" ) AND (gi.currencies = "" OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.currencies, ";", ",")) > 0) AND (gi.languages = "" OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.languages, ";", ",")) > 0)
0.3 1 /modules/groupinc/classes/GroupincConfiguration.php:449
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE gi.* FROM `ps_groupinc_configuration` gi  WHERE (date_from <= "2025-02-17 11:33:37" OR date_from = "0000-00-00 00:00:00") AND (date_to >= "2025-02-17 11:33:37" OR date_to = "0000-00-00 00:00:00") AND gi.`id_shop` = 1 AND gi.`active` = 1  AND (gi.groups = ""  OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.groups, ";", ",")) > 0) AND (gi.suppliers = "" ) AND (gi.currencies = "" OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.currencies, ";", ",")) > 0) AND (gi.languages = "" OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.languages, ";", ",")) > 0)
0.3 1 /modules/groupinc/classes/GroupincConfiguration.php:449
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE gi.* FROM `ps_groupinc_configuration` gi  WHERE (date_from <= "2025-02-17 11:33:37" OR date_from = "0000-00-00 00:00:00") AND (date_to >= "2025-02-17 11:33:37" OR date_to = "0000-00-00 00:00:00") AND gi.`id_shop` = 1 AND gi.`active` = 1  AND show_on_sale = 1  AND (gi.groups = ""  OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.groups, ";", ",")) > 0) AND (gi.suppliers = "" ) AND (gi.currencies = "" OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.currencies, ";", ",")) > 0) AND (gi.languages = "" OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.languages, ";", ",")) > 0)
0.3 1 /modules/groupinc/classes/GroupincConfiguration.php:449
FROM `ps_tax_rule` tr
JOIN `ps_tax_rules_group` trg ON (tr.`id_tax_rules_group` = trg.`id_tax_rules_group`)
WHERE trg.`active` = 1
AND tr.`id_country` = 6
AND tr.`id_tax_rules_group` = 1
AND tr.`id_state` IN (0, 335)
AND ('09006' BETWEEN tr.`zipcode_from` AND tr.`zipcode_to`
OR (tr.`zipcode_to` = 0 AND tr.`zipcode_from` IN(0, '09006')))
ORDER BY tr.`zipcode_from` DESC, tr.`zipcode_to` DESC, tr.`id_state` DESC, tr.`id_country` DESC
0.3 2 /classes/tax/TaxRulesTaxManager.php:108
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE COUNT(DISTINCT `id_product`) FROM `ps_specific_price` WHERE `id_product` != 0 LIMIT 1
0.3 86 /classes/SpecificPrice.php:283
FROM `ps_product` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_lang` `b` ON a.`id_product` = b.`id_product` AND b.`id_lang` = 1
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_shop` `c` ON a.`id_product` = c.`id_product` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_product` = 13264) AND (b.`id_shop` = 1) LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /src/Adapter/EntityMapper.php:75
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE gi.* FROM `ps_groupinc_configuration` gi  WHERE (date_from <= "2025-02-17 11:33:37" OR date_from = "0000-00-00 00:00:00") AND (date_to >= "2025-02-17 11:33:37" OR date_to = "0000-00-00 00:00:00") AND gi.`id_shop` = 1 AND gi.`active` = 1  AND (gi.groups = ""  OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.groups, ";", ",")) > 0) AND (gi.suppliers = "" ) AND (gi.currencies = "" OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.currencies, ";", ",")) > 0) AND (gi.languages = "" OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.languages, ";", ",")) > 0)
0.3 1 /modules/groupinc/classes/GroupincConfiguration.php:449
(SELECT 1 FROM `ps_cart_rule` WHERE date_to >= "2025-02-17 00:00:00" AND date_to <= "2025-02-17 23:59:59" AND `id_customer` IN (0,0) LIMIT 1)UNION ALL (SELECT 1 FROM `ps_cart_rule` WHERE date_from >= "2025-02-17 00:00:00" AND date_from <= "2025-02-17 23:59:59" AND `id_customer` IN (0,0) LIMIT 1)UNION ALL (SELECT 1 FROM `ps_cart_rule` WHERE date_from < "2025-02-17 00:00:00" AND date_to > "2025-02-17 23:59:59" AND `id_customer` IN (0,0) LIMIT 1) LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /classes/CartRule.php:342
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE gi.* FROM `ps_groupinc_configuration` gi  WHERE (date_from <= "2025-02-17 11:33:37" OR date_from = "0000-00-00 00:00:00") AND (date_to >= "2025-02-17 11:33:37" OR date_to = "0000-00-00 00:00:00") AND gi.`id_shop` = 1 AND gi.`active` = 1  AND (gi.groups = ""  OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.groups, ";", ",")) > 0) AND (gi.suppliers = "" ) AND (gi.currencies = "" OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.currencies, ";", ",")) > 0) AND (gi.languages = "" OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.languages, ";", ",")) > 0)
0.3 1 /modules/groupinc/classes/GroupincConfiguration.php:449
IFNULL(sa.quantity, 0) as quantity,
'2025-02-17 00:00:00',
) > 0) as new
FROM ps_product p
LEFT JOIN ps_product_lang pl
ON pl.id_product = p.id_product
AND pl.id_shop = 1
AND pl.id_lang = 1
LEFT JOIN ps_stock_available sa
ON sa.id_product = p.id_product 
AND sa.id_shop = 1
WHERE p.id_product = 6753
0.3 1 /classes/ProductAssembler.php:90
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE gi.* FROM `ps_groupinc_configuration` gi  WHERE (date_from <= "2025-02-17 11:33:37" OR date_from = "0000-00-00 00:00:00") AND (date_to >= "2025-02-17 11:33:37" OR date_to = "0000-00-00 00:00:00") AND gi.`id_shop` = 1 AND gi.`active` = 1  AND (gi.groups = ""  OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.groups, ";", ",")) > 0) AND (gi.suppliers = "" ) AND (gi.currencies = "" OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.currencies, ";", ",")) > 0) AND (gi.languages = "" OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.languages, ";", ",")) > 0)
0.3 1 /modules/groupinc/classes/GroupincConfiguration.php:449
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE gi.* FROM `ps_groupinc_configuration` gi  WHERE (date_from <= "2025-02-17 11:33:37" OR date_from = "0000-00-00 00:00:00") AND (date_to >= "2025-02-17 11:33:37" OR date_to = "0000-00-00 00:00:00") AND gi.`id_shop` = 1 AND gi.`active` = 1  AND (gi.groups = ""  OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.groups, ";", ",")) > 0) AND (gi.suppliers = "" ) AND (gi.currencies = "" OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.currencies, ";", ",")) > 0) AND (gi.languages = "" OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.languages, ";", ",")) > 0)
0.3 1 /modules/groupinc/classes/GroupincConfiguration.php:449
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE gi.* FROM `ps_groupinc_configuration` gi  WHERE (date_from <= "2025-02-17 11:33:38" OR date_from = "0000-00-00 00:00:00") AND (date_to >= "2025-02-17 11:33:38" OR date_to = "0000-00-00 00:00:00") AND gi.`id_shop` = 1 AND gi.`active` = 1  AND show_on_sale = 1  AND (gi.groups = ""  OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.groups, ";", ",")) > 0) AND (gi.suppliers = "" ) AND (gi.currencies = "" OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.currencies, ";", ",")) > 0) AND (gi.languages = "" OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.languages, ";", ",")) > 0)
0.3 1 /modules/groupinc/classes/GroupincConfiguration.php:449
IFNULL(sa.quantity, 0) as quantity,
'2025-02-17 00:00:00',
) > 0) as new
FROM ps_product p
LEFT JOIN ps_product_lang pl
ON pl.id_product = p.id_product
AND pl.id_shop = 1
AND pl.id_lang = 1
LEFT JOIN ps_stock_available sa
ON sa.id_product = p.id_product 
AND sa.id_shop = 1
WHERE p.id_product = 30062
0.3 1 /classes/ProductAssembler.php:90
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE gi.* FROM `ps_groupinc_configuration` gi  WHERE (date_from <= "2025-02-17 11:33:38" OR date_from = "0000-00-00 00:00:00") AND (date_to >= "2025-02-17 11:33:38" OR date_to = "0000-00-00 00:00:00") AND gi.`id_shop` = 1 AND gi.`active` = 1  AND show_on_sale = 1  AND (gi.groups = ""  OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.groups, ";", ",")) > 0) AND (gi.suppliers = "" ) AND (gi.currencies = "" OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.currencies, ";", ",")) > 0) AND (gi.languages = "" OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.languages, ";", ",")) > 0)
0.3 1 /modules/groupinc/classes/GroupincConfiguration.php:449
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE gi.* FROM `ps_groupinc_configuration` gi  WHERE (date_from <= "2025-02-17 11:33:37" OR date_from = "0000-00-00 00:00:00") AND (date_to >= "2025-02-17 11:33:37" OR date_to = "0000-00-00 00:00:00") AND gi.`id_shop` = 1 AND gi.`active` = 1  AND (gi.groups = ""  OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.groups, ";", ",")) > 0) AND (gi.suppliers = "" ) AND (gi.currencies = "" OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.currencies, ";", ",")) > 0) AND (gi.languages = "" OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.languages, ";", ",")) > 0)
0.3 1 /modules/groupinc/classes/GroupincConfiguration.php:449
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE gi.* FROM `ps_groupinc_configuration` gi  WHERE (date_from <= "2025-02-17 11:33:37" OR date_from = "0000-00-00 00:00:00") AND (date_to >= "2025-02-17 11:33:37" OR date_to = "0000-00-00 00:00:00") AND gi.`id_shop` = 1 AND gi.`active` = 1  AND (gi.groups = ""  OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.groups, ";", ",")) > 0) AND (gi.suppliers = "" ) AND (gi.currencies = "" OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.currencies, ";", ",")) > 0) AND (gi.languages = "" OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.languages, ";", ",")) > 0)
0.3 1 /modules/groupinc/classes/GroupincConfiguration.php:449
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE pa.`id_product`, a.`color`, pac.`id_product_attribute`, 0 qty, a.`id_attribute`, al.`name`, IF(color = "", a.id_attribute, color) group_by
FROM `ps_product_attribute` pa
INNER JOIN ps_product_attribute_shop product_attribute_shop
ON (product_attribute_shop.id_product_attribute = pa.id_product_attribute AND product_attribute_shop.id_shop = 1)
JOIN `ps_product_attribute_combination` pac ON (pac.`id_product_attribute` = product_attribute_shop.`id_product_attribute`)
JOIN `ps_attribute` a ON (a.`id_attribute` = pac.`id_attribute`)
JOIN `ps_attribute_lang` al ON (a.`id_attribute` = al.`id_attribute` AND al.`id_lang` = 1)
JOIN `ps_attribute_group` ag ON (a.id_attribute_group = ag.`id_attribute_group`)
WHERE pa.`id_product` IN (8531) AND ag.`is_color_group` = 1
GROUP BY pa.`id_product`, a.`id_attribute`, `group_by`
ORDER BY a.`position` ASC;
0.3 1 Yes Yes /classes/Product.php:3887
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE gi.* FROM `ps_groupinc_configuration` gi  WHERE (date_from <= "2025-02-17 11:33:38" OR date_from = "0000-00-00 00:00:00") AND (date_to >= "2025-02-17 11:33:38" OR date_to = "0000-00-00 00:00:00") AND gi.`id_shop` = 1 AND gi.`active` = 1  AND show_on_sale = 1  AND (gi.groups = ""  OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.groups, ";", ",")) > 0) AND (gi.suppliers = "" ) AND (gi.currencies = "" OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.currencies, ";", ",")) > 0) AND (gi.languages = "" OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.languages, ";", ",")) > 0)
0.3 1 /modules/groupinc/classes/GroupincConfiguration.php:449
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE COALESCE(SUM(first_level_quantity) + SUM(pack_quantity), 0) as deep_quantity,
COALESCE(SUM(first_level_quantity), 0) as quantity
FROM (SELECT cp.`quantity` as first_level_quantity, 0 as pack_quantity
FROM `ps_cart_product` cp
WHERE cp.`id_product_attribute` = 0
AND cp.`id_customization` = 0
AND cp.`id_cart` = 0 AND cp.`id_product` = 44031 UNION SELECT 0 as first_level_quantity, cp.`quantity` * p.`quantity` as pack_quantity
FROM `ps_cart_product` cp JOIN `ps_pack` p ON cp.`id_product` = p.`id_product_pack` JOIN `ps_product` pr ON p.`id_product_pack` = pr.`id_product`
WHERE cp.`id_product_attribute` = 0
AND cp.`id_customization` = 0
AND cp.`id_cart` = 0 AND p.`id_product_item` = 44031 AND (pr.`pack_stock_type` IN (1,2) OR (
pr.`pack_stock_type` = 3
AND 0 = 1
))) as q LIMIT 1
0.3 0 /classes/Cart.php:1238
FROM `ps_tax_rule` tr
JOIN `ps_tax_rules_group` trg ON (tr.`id_tax_rules_group` = trg.`id_tax_rules_group`)
WHERE trg.`active` = 1
AND tr.`id_country` = 6
AND tr.`id_tax_rules_group` = 1
AND tr.`id_state` IN (0, 0)
AND ('0' BETWEEN tr.`zipcode_from` AND tr.`zipcode_to`
OR (tr.`zipcode_to` = 0 AND tr.`zipcode_from` IN(0, '0')))
ORDER BY tr.`zipcode_from` DESC, tr.`zipcode_to` DESC, tr.`id_state` DESC, tr.`id_country` DESC
0.3 1 /classes/tax/TaxRulesTaxManager.php:108
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE COALESCE(SUM(first_level_quantity) + SUM(pack_quantity), 0) as deep_quantity,
COALESCE(SUM(first_level_quantity), 0) as quantity
FROM (SELECT cp.`quantity` as first_level_quantity, 0 as pack_quantity
FROM `ps_cart_product` cp
WHERE cp.`id_product_attribute` = 0
AND cp.`id_customization` = 0
AND cp.`id_cart` = 0 AND cp.`id_product` = 9398 UNION SELECT 0 as first_level_quantity, cp.`quantity` * p.`quantity` as pack_quantity
FROM `ps_cart_product` cp JOIN `ps_pack` p ON cp.`id_product` = p.`id_product_pack` JOIN `ps_product` pr ON p.`id_product_pack` = pr.`id_product`
WHERE cp.`id_product_attribute` = 0
AND cp.`id_customization` = 0
AND cp.`id_cart` = 0 AND p.`id_product_item` = 9398 AND (pr.`pack_stock_type` IN (1,2) OR (
pr.`pack_stock_type` = 3
AND 0 = 1
))) as q LIMIT 1
0.3 0 /classes/Cart.php:1238
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE gi.* FROM `ps_groupinc_configuration` gi  WHERE (date_from <= "2025-02-17 11:33:38" OR date_from = "0000-00-00 00:00:00") AND (date_to >= "2025-02-17 11:33:38" OR date_to = "0000-00-00 00:00:00") AND gi.`id_shop` = 1 AND gi.`active` = 1  AND (gi.groups = ""  OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.groups, ";", ",")) > 0) AND (gi.suppliers = "" ) AND (gi.currencies = "" OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.currencies, ";", ",")) > 0) AND (gi.languages = "" OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.languages, ";", ",")) > 0)
0.3 1 /modules/groupinc/classes/GroupincConfiguration.php:449
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE COALESCE(SUM(first_level_quantity) + SUM(pack_quantity), 0) as deep_quantity,
COALESCE(SUM(first_level_quantity), 0) as quantity
FROM (SELECT cp.`quantity` as first_level_quantity, 0 as pack_quantity
FROM `ps_cart_product` cp
WHERE cp.`id_product_attribute` = 0
AND cp.`id_customization` = 0
AND cp.`id_cart` = 0 AND cp.`id_product` = 8531 UNION SELECT 0 as first_level_quantity, cp.`quantity` * p.`quantity` as pack_quantity
FROM `ps_cart_product` cp JOIN `ps_pack` p ON cp.`id_product` = p.`id_product_pack` JOIN `ps_product` pr ON p.`id_product_pack` = pr.`id_product`
WHERE cp.`id_product_attribute` = 0
AND cp.`id_customization` = 0
AND cp.`id_cart` = 0 AND p.`id_product_item` = 8531 AND (pr.`pack_stock_type` IN (1,2) OR (
pr.`pack_stock_type` = 3
AND 0 = 1
))) as q LIMIT 1
0.3 0 /classes/Cart.php:1238
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE gi.* FROM `ps_groupinc_configuration` gi  WHERE (date_from <= "2025-02-17 11:33:38" OR date_from = "0000-00-00 00:00:00") AND (date_to >= "2025-02-17 11:33:38" OR date_to = "0000-00-00 00:00:00") AND gi.`id_shop` = 1 AND gi.`active` = 1  AND show_on_sale = 1  AND (gi.groups = ""  OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.groups, ";", ",")) > 0) AND (gi.suppliers = "" ) AND (gi.currencies = "" OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.currencies, ";", ",")) > 0) AND (gi.languages = "" OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.languages, ";", ",")) > 0)
0.3 1 /modules/groupinc/classes/GroupincConfiguration.php:449
IFNULL(sa.quantity, 0) as quantity,
'2025-02-17 00:00:00',
) > 0) as new
FROM ps_product p
LEFT JOIN ps_product_lang pl
ON pl.id_product = p.id_product
AND pl.id_shop = 1
AND pl.id_lang = 1
LEFT JOIN ps_stock_available sa
ON sa.id_product = p.id_product 
AND sa.id_shop = 1
WHERE p.id_product = 29733
0.3 1 /classes/ProductAssembler.php:90
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE module FROM ps_idxcookies WHERE 1  AND (id_cookie_type > 0 AND id_cookie_type NOT IN (select id_cookie_type FROM ps_idxcookies_type WHERE imperative = 1)) AND module IS NOT null AND module != '' GROUP BY module
0.3 52 Yes Yes /modules/idxcookies/classes/module/Functions.php:509
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE gi.* FROM `ps_groupinc_configuration` gi  WHERE (date_from <= "2025-02-17 11:33:38" OR date_from = "0000-00-00 00:00:00") AND (date_to >= "2025-02-17 11:33:38" OR date_to = "0000-00-00 00:00:00") AND gi.`id_shop` = 1 AND gi.`active` = 1  AND show_on_sale = 1  AND (gi.groups = ""  OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.groups, ";", ",")) > 0) AND (gi.suppliers = "" ) AND (gi.currencies = "" OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.currencies, ";", ",")) > 0) AND (gi.languages = "" OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.languages, ";", ",")) > 0)
0.3 1 /modules/groupinc/classes/GroupincConfiguration.php:449
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE gi.* FROM `ps_groupinc_configuration` gi  WHERE (date_from <= "2025-02-17 11:33:37" OR date_from = "0000-00-00 00:00:00") AND (date_to >= "2025-02-17 11:33:37" OR date_to = "0000-00-00 00:00:00") AND gi.`id_shop` = 1 AND gi.`active` = 1  AND (gi.groups = ""  OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.groups, ";", ",")) > 0) AND (gi.suppliers = "" ) AND (gi.currencies = "" OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.currencies, ";", ",")) > 0) AND (gi.languages = "" OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.languages, ";", ",")) > 0)
0.3 1 /modules/groupinc/classes/GroupincConfiguration.php:449
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE gi.* FROM `ps_groupinc_configuration` gi  WHERE (date_from <= "2025-02-17 11:33:37" OR date_from = "0000-00-00 00:00:00") AND (date_to >= "2025-02-17 11:33:37" OR date_to = "0000-00-00 00:00:00") AND gi.`id_shop` = 1 AND gi.`active` = 1  AND show_on_sale = 1  AND (gi.groups = ""  OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.groups, ";", ",")) > 0) AND (gi.suppliers = "" ) AND (gi.currencies = "" OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.currencies, ";", ",")) > 0) AND (gi.languages = "" OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.languages, ";", ",")) > 0)
0.3 1 /modules/groupinc/classes/GroupincConfiguration.php:449
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE COALESCE(SUM(first_level_quantity) + SUM(pack_quantity), 0) as deep_quantity,
COALESCE(SUM(first_level_quantity), 0) as quantity
FROM (SELECT cp.`quantity` as first_level_quantity, 0 as pack_quantity
FROM `ps_cart_product` cp
WHERE cp.`id_product_attribute` = 0
AND cp.`id_customization` = 0
AND cp.`id_cart` = 0 AND cp.`id_product` = 30062 UNION SELECT 0 as first_level_quantity, cp.`quantity` * p.`quantity` as pack_quantity
FROM `ps_cart_product` cp JOIN `ps_pack` p ON cp.`id_product` = p.`id_product_pack` JOIN `ps_product` pr ON p.`id_product_pack` = pr.`id_product`
WHERE cp.`id_product_attribute` = 0
AND cp.`id_customization` = 0
AND cp.`id_cart` = 0 AND p.`id_product_item` = 30062 AND (pr.`pack_stock_type` IN (1,2) OR (
pr.`pack_stock_type` = 3
AND 0 = 1
))) as q LIMIT 1
0.3 0 /classes/Cart.php:1238
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE COALESCE(SUM(first_level_quantity) + SUM(pack_quantity), 0) as deep_quantity,
COALESCE(SUM(first_level_quantity), 0) as quantity
FROM (SELECT cp.`quantity` as first_level_quantity, 0 as pack_quantity
FROM `ps_cart_product` cp
WHERE cp.`id_product_attribute` = 0
AND cp.`id_customization` = 0
AND cp.`id_cart` = 0 AND cp.`id_product` = 6753 UNION SELECT 0 as first_level_quantity, cp.`quantity` * p.`quantity` as pack_quantity
FROM `ps_cart_product` cp JOIN `ps_pack` p ON cp.`id_product` = p.`id_product_pack` JOIN `ps_product` pr ON p.`id_product_pack` = pr.`id_product`
WHERE cp.`id_product_attribute` = 0
AND cp.`id_customization` = 0
AND cp.`id_cart` = 0 AND p.`id_product_item` = 6753 AND (pr.`pack_stock_type` IN (1,2) OR (
pr.`pack_stock_type` = 3
AND 0 = 1
))) as q LIMIT 1
0.3 0 /classes/Cart.php:1238
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE COALESCE(SUM(first_level_quantity) + SUM(pack_quantity), 0) as deep_quantity,
COALESCE(SUM(first_level_quantity), 0) as quantity
FROM (SELECT cp.`quantity` as first_level_quantity, 0 as pack_quantity
FROM `ps_cart_product` cp
WHERE cp.`id_product_attribute` = 0
AND cp.`id_customization` = 0
AND cp.`id_cart` = 0 AND cp.`id_product` = 13188 UNION SELECT 0 as first_level_quantity, cp.`quantity` * p.`quantity` as pack_quantity
FROM `ps_cart_product` cp JOIN `ps_pack` p ON cp.`id_product` = p.`id_product_pack` JOIN `ps_product` pr ON p.`id_product_pack` = pr.`id_product`
WHERE cp.`id_product_attribute` = 0
AND cp.`id_customization` = 0
AND cp.`id_cart` = 0 AND p.`id_product_item` = 13188 AND (pr.`pack_stock_type` IN (1,2) OR (
pr.`pack_stock_type` = 3
AND 0 = 1
))) as q LIMIT 1
0.3 0 /classes/Cart.php:1238
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE COALESCE(SUM(first_level_quantity) + SUM(pack_quantity), 0) as deep_quantity,
COALESCE(SUM(first_level_quantity), 0) as quantity
FROM (SELECT cp.`quantity` as first_level_quantity, 0 as pack_quantity
FROM `ps_cart_product` cp
WHERE cp.`id_product_attribute` = 0
AND cp.`id_customization` = 0
AND cp.`id_cart` = 0 AND cp.`id_product` = 13264 UNION SELECT 0 as first_level_quantity, cp.`quantity` * p.`quantity` as pack_quantity
FROM `ps_cart_product` cp JOIN `ps_pack` p ON cp.`id_product` = p.`id_product_pack` JOIN `ps_product` pr ON p.`id_product_pack` = pr.`id_product`
WHERE cp.`id_product_attribute` = 0
AND cp.`id_customization` = 0
AND cp.`id_cart` = 0 AND p.`id_product_item` = 13264 AND (pr.`pack_stock_type` IN (1,2) OR (
pr.`pack_stock_type` = 3
AND 0 = 1
))) as q LIMIT 1
0.3 0 /classes/Cart.php:1238
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE m.`id_module`, m.`name`, ms.`id_module`as `mshop`
FROM `ps_module` m
LEFT JOIN `ps_module_shop` ms
ON m.`id_module` = ms.`id_module`
AND ms.`id_shop` = 1
0.3 121 /classes/module/Module.php:307
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE gi.* FROM `ps_groupinc_configuration` gi  WHERE (date_from <= "2025-02-17 11:33:37" OR date_from = "0000-00-00 00:00:00") AND (date_to >= "2025-02-17 11:33:37" OR date_to = "0000-00-00 00:00:00") AND gi.`id_shop` = 1 AND gi.`active` = 1  AND show_on_sale = 1  AND (gi.groups = ""  OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.groups, ";", ",")) > 0) AND (gi.suppliers = "" ) AND (gi.currencies = "" OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.currencies, ";", ",")) > 0) AND (gi.languages = "" OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.languages, ";", ",")) > 0)
0.3 1 /modules/groupinc/classes/GroupincConfiguration.php:449
FROM `ps_product` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_lang` `b` ON a.`id_product` = b.`id_product` AND b.`id_lang` = 1
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_shop` `c` ON a.`id_product` = c.`id_product` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_product` = 9398) AND (b.`id_shop` = 1) LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /src/Adapter/EntityMapper.php:75
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE pa.`id_product`, a.`color`, pac.`id_product_attribute`, 0 qty, a.`id_attribute`, al.`name`, IF(color = "", a.id_attribute, color) group_by
FROM `ps_product_attribute` pa
INNER JOIN ps_product_attribute_shop product_attribute_shop
ON (product_attribute_shop.id_product_attribute = pa.id_product_attribute AND product_attribute_shop.id_shop = 1)
JOIN `ps_product_attribute_combination` pac ON (pac.`id_product_attribute` = product_attribute_shop.`id_product_attribute`)
JOIN `ps_attribute` a ON (a.`id_attribute` = pac.`id_attribute`)
JOIN `ps_attribute_lang` al ON (a.`id_attribute` = al.`id_attribute` AND al.`id_lang` = 1)
JOIN `ps_attribute_group` ag ON (a.id_attribute_group = ag.`id_attribute_group`)
WHERE pa.`id_product` IN (44031) AND ag.`is_color_group` = 1
GROUP BY pa.`id_product`, a.`id_attribute`, `group_by`
ORDER BY a.`position` ASC;
0.3 1 Yes Yes /classes/Product.php:3887
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE pa.`id_product`, a.`color`, pac.`id_product_attribute`, 0 qty, a.`id_attribute`, al.`name`, IF(color = "", a.id_attribute, color) group_by
FROM `ps_product_attribute` pa
INNER JOIN ps_product_attribute_shop product_attribute_shop
ON (product_attribute_shop.id_product_attribute = pa.id_product_attribute AND product_attribute_shop.id_shop = 1)
JOIN `ps_product_attribute_combination` pac ON (pac.`id_product_attribute` = product_attribute_shop.`id_product_attribute`)
JOIN `ps_attribute` a ON (a.`id_attribute` = pac.`id_attribute`)
JOIN `ps_attribute_lang` al ON (a.`id_attribute` = al.`id_attribute` AND al.`id_lang` = 1)
JOIN `ps_attribute_group` ag ON (a.id_attribute_group = ag.`id_attribute_group`)
WHERE pa.`id_product` IN (29733) AND ag.`is_color_group` = 1
GROUP BY pa.`id_product`, a.`id_attribute`, `group_by`
ORDER BY a.`position` ASC;
0.3 1 Yes Yes /classes/Product.php:3887
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE pa.`id_product`, a.`color`, pac.`id_product_attribute`, 0 qty, a.`id_attribute`, al.`name`, IF(color = "", a.id_attribute, color) group_by
FROM `ps_product_attribute` pa
INNER JOIN ps_product_attribute_shop product_attribute_shop
ON (product_attribute_shop.id_product_attribute = pa.id_product_attribute AND product_attribute_shop.id_shop = 1)
JOIN `ps_product_attribute_combination` pac ON (pac.`id_product_attribute` = product_attribute_shop.`id_product_attribute`)
JOIN `ps_attribute` a ON (a.`id_attribute` = pac.`id_attribute`)
JOIN `ps_attribute_lang` al ON (a.`id_attribute` = al.`id_attribute` AND al.`id_lang` = 1)
JOIN `ps_attribute_group` ag ON (a.id_attribute_group = ag.`id_attribute_group`)
WHERE pa.`id_product` IN (42774) AND ag.`is_color_group` = 1
GROUP BY pa.`id_product`, a.`id_attribute`, `group_by`
ORDER BY a.`position` ASC;
0.3 1 Yes Yes /classes/Product.php:3887
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE gi.* FROM `ps_groupinc_configuration` gi  WHERE (date_from <= "2025-02-17 11:33:37" OR date_from = "0000-00-00 00:00:00") AND (date_to >= "2025-02-17 11:33:37" OR date_to = "0000-00-00 00:00:00") AND gi.`id_shop` = 1 AND gi.`active` = 1  AND show_on_sale = 1  AND (gi.groups = ""  OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.groups, ";", ",")) > 0) AND (gi.suppliers = "" ) AND (gi.currencies = "" OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.currencies, ";", ",")) > 0) AND (gi.languages = "" OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.languages, ";", ",")) > 0)
0.3 1 /modules/groupinc/classes/GroupincConfiguration.php:449
FROM `ps_product` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_lang` `b` ON a.`id_product` = b.`id_product` AND b.`id_lang` = 1
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_shop` `c` ON a.`id_product` = c.`id_product` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_product` = 44031) AND (b.`id_shop` = 1) LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /src/Adapter/EntityMapper.php:75
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE gi.* FROM `ps_groupinc_configuration` gi  WHERE (date_from <= "2025-02-17 11:33:38" OR date_from = "0000-00-00 00:00:00") AND (date_to >= "2025-02-17 11:33:38" OR date_to = "0000-00-00 00:00:00") AND gi.`id_shop` = 1 AND gi.`active` = 1  AND show_on_sale = 1  AND (gi.groups = ""  OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.groups, ";", ",")) > 0) AND (gi.suppliers = "" ) AND (gi.currencies = "" OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.currencies, ";", ",")) > 0) AND (gi.languages = "" OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.languages, ";", ",")) > 0)
0.3 1 /modules/groupinc/classes/GroupincConfiguration.php:449
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE gi.* FROM `ps_groupinc_configuration` gi  WHERE (date_from <= "2025-02-17 11:33:38" OR date_from = "0000-00-00 00:00:00") AND (date_to >= "2025-02-17 11:33:38" OR date_to = "0000-00-00 00:00:00") AND gi.`id_shop` = 1 AND gi.`active` = 1  AND show_on_sale = 1  AND (gi.groups = ""  OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.groups, ";", ",")) > 0) AND (gi.suppliers = "" ) AND (gi.currencies = "" OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.currencies, ";", ",")) > 0) AND (gi.languages = "" OR FIND_IN_SET(1, REPLACE(gi.languages, ";", ",")) > 0)
0.3 1 /modules/groupinc/classes/GroupincConfiguration.php:449
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE pa.`id_product`, a.`color`, pac.`id_product_attribute`, 0 qty, a.`id_attribute`, al.`name`, IF(color = "", a.id_attribute, color) group_by
FROM `ps_product_attribute` pa
INNER JOIN ps_product_attribute_shop product_attribute_shop
ON (product_attribute_shop.id_product_attribute = pa.id_product_attribute AND product_attribute_shop.id_shop = 1)
JOIN `ps_product_attribute_combination` pac ON (pac.`id_product_attribute` = product_attribute_shop.`id_product_attribute`)
JOIN `ps_attribute` a ON (a.`id_attribute` = pac.`id_attribute`)
JOIN `ps_attribute_lang` al ON (a.`id_attribute` = al.`id_attribute` AND al.`id_lang` = 1)
JOIN `ps_attribute_group` ag ON (a.id_attribute_group = ag.`id_attribute_group`)
WHERE pa.`id_product` IN (9398) AND ag.`is_color_group` = 1
GROUP BY pa.`id_product`, a.`id_attribute`, `group_by`
ORDER BY a.`position` ASC;
0.3 1 Yes Yes /classes/Product.php:3887